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I'm so discouraged. Not three days after my year-after scans and getting that much-desired NED, I hit a pain spike that just keeps getting worse. I've been up and on the couch for the last two nights, and I've got a busy day today and tomorrow and I'm hurting. A lot.

I know from this marvelous forum that it's not unusual to experience pain, even severe pain, long after the cancer is gone. But I was so hoping that this spring would be different. 

It IS different. I'm not flat out, not taking oxy, not crying during bowel movements. I KNOW this is better.

But I feel so deflated. I'd really hoped and believed that pain this bad was in the past, and I'd just get a twinge or a stab or have a few bad moments by now. 

I think my husband's tired of it and I get it.

Guess I'll pound down some Tylenol and get to it.

Thanks for listening to me moan, dears.


  • Oh Suz!  I’m SO SORRY to read this!  I know the reassurance of good scans and exams doesn’t take away the pain, so I’m very sorry that what should be your “victory lap” is being dampened by the hurt!  I don’t know what might help beyond the Tylenol…maybe some hip openers in the form of yoga and stretching would improve/increase the blood flow in your pelvis?  Maybe some hot epsom salt baths with a little lavender?

    I wish I could help more, friend!

    Big hugs your way!


  • Hello Suz, could you elaborate where you are experiencing the pain. Is it like muscular or the anal stabbing pains that can come and go. I would have to go back to what or if I had been doing something different that may have triggered off a response and irritated an area that could be why you are in pain. I am 22 months post treatment and last November I gave up Pilates as it was really having an impact on my back between the shoulder blades. I have discovered I have osteoporosis in the spine and this particular Pilates involves holding my arms outward and doing circles and it was aggravating the two spinal fractures from the treatment. I also had incredible pain in my anus a couple of months ago and that was due to a having several bowel movements due to something I had eaten and swelling due to radiation fibrosis. I managed to get that treated and now going through healing massage there. It just doesn’t stop giving does it but take heart it will improve if you know what is causing it. It certainly changes your life where you eat something out of the norm and end up paying for it or change of an exercise routine. I have had spells of feeling you have taken a massive step back in your healing but it’s not for ever hopefully! Hope you get better soon

  • Oh Suz.  Is this pain in your back passage?  For the first few months after radiotherapy every time I went to the loo, my back passage would throb, literally, for a couple of hours.  But you are a year out and this must be so debilitating.  I wish I had some really useful suggestions.  Remembering how the team treating you weren't particularly helpful about your pain during treatment they are unlikely to help now.  Is your regular GP approachable?  It sounds as if you need something a bit more heavy duty than Tylenol if the pain is affecting your life so much.  And I would say further investigation as well, it could well be nerve damage sustained during treatment.  And a referral to a pain specialist who can prescribe what you need during these pain spikes.

    Suz, no one on here would think you are moaning; I think all of us would were we walking in your shoes.

    More big hugs

    Irene xx

  • Red, you're just the dang best.

    <3 Suz

  • HI Jaycee, thanks for the common sense. It's right smack in the anus, the nasty stabs, not the more welcome pain of having had a good workout. I'm still taking the working out very easy, really just yoga stretches and some wimpy walking. But I DID have a hard bowel movement toward the beginning of this pain period. I also tried anal massage, which perhaps I'm not doing right. But I've stopped until this is under control again, and I'm being very conservative in my stretches. And diligent about water and psyllium.

    Going back over my days and seeing what I could have done to cause it is the first thing I should do. Thank you!


  • Thank you, Irene. I was wondering if I should take my woes to my GP (who hasn't yet had a chance to get exasperated with me) so this cements it that I should try. 

    Your hugs are SOO good! Thank you!


  • Hi Suz the pain in the butt can be really awful after months of feeling you are getting somewhere. My oncologist sent the very next day a weeks supply of instagel syringes to use twice a day. They are antiseptic and numbing and around the third day I could feel a massive improvement. I don’t know if you have this where you live but am sure you would have similar. My local doctors also can prescribe this. Persevere with the massage as it really does improve things. There has been research on this and how effects it is. Julie 

  • Suz, a long time ago when my daughters were very small I had an attack of anal pain that was so severe I nearly passed out.  I never had it again, and a few years ago, my daughter had an episode and she did pass out and was so alarmed she mentioned it to her GP.  And she got a name for this -  I am wondering if this is what you are having.  This condition can be caused by various treatment to the area.  Have a look and see if it sounds familiar?

    Irene xx

  • Yeah, I don't see how massage can actually do any damage! I'm doing it very gently and it doesn't hurt to do it. No instagel here, apparently, although I'll ask about it. Thanks so much for the suggestions!


  • Wow, Irene, that does sound like it's that exactly! Thank you! My gastro doc had suggested, prior to my diagnosis, that I might have (and I'm not kidding!) 'Restless Anus Syndrome' and it sounds as if it's the same thing or awfully similar.

    Yesterday was a little bit better. Hope today shows more improvement. 

    Thank you for finding this!!!
