Feeling Crushed

  • 6 replies
  • 41 subscribers

I haven’t been on here for a while, I have been disease free now for 12 months Slight smile which is great, my trouble is the stoma and parastomal hernia that I am waiting for an operation to reverse and fix which is fine but work have turned into an utter bunch of !!&&### I have endured 2 health and well-being meeting to be told the adjustments they have put in place need to be taken away by August, can no longer wfh, needed to go back from 30hrs to 37.5hrs as the department cannot sustain the current situation for the possible 12 to 18 months I will have to wait for op!!! 

surely this is just bullying? Due to the hernia I have had 2 accidents in work where I ended up covered in poo! I was traumatised and it’s very tiring dealing with this every day so to have work pile on the pressure is just to much…been in tears now for 2 days….and the other piece of info…I work in a hospital!!

needed to vent my frustrations Slight frown

  • Hi Sasue welcome to the forum. I am usually found in the breast group but saw your post and didn't want it to go maybe unanswered as that sounds awful for you. I would tend to agree that this is a form of bullying but don't know enough about all the rules around work and Cancer. I think the best thing that I  can suggest is that you give the Macmillan Line a call as they have Work Advisors who will be more knowledgable about this than I would be if that make senser? 08088080000


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  • Thank you and yes think that is the next step 

  • Sasue, I am delighted to hear of your progress but I am so sorry to hear about what is happening to you at work.  I am afraid I am not surprised to hear of how you are being treated, I know of two other people who have been appallingly treated whilst working for the NHS, one whilst dealing with long COVID (contracted whilst working in the hospital) who resigned under the pressure and another with a different illness who managed to get their union to represent them and stop the pressure. 

    I used to work in HR a long long time ago and am not up to date with the latest laws, however, I do know that you are covered under https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/coping/practically/the-disability-discrimination-act-equality-act-and-cancer.  So employers are expected to make reasonable provision for employees, however, I think the crux of the matter will depend upon the interpretation of what is 'reasonable'.   And, forgive me, I know you are clear but I think for the purposes of the law it is probably considered you have cancer (and therefore have a disability) until the five year clear mark.  I would urge you to get further advice on this, I am not sure if you belong to a union but if not please ring the MacMillan helpline and see if they can help.  Hopefully they will be able to point you in the right direction.

    Please come back and let us know how you get on.

    Irene xx

  • Hi  ,

    I’m so sorry that you’re having to deal with your employer putting this kind of pressure on you right now but unfortunately it really doesn’t surprise me in this day & age, within so many industries now you're just a number that makes up a set number of hours on the daily work rota!! It’s so unfair considering all you’ve been through! 

    I completely agree with what’s been said in the other replies here, failing being in a union give the Macmillan Helpline a ring as they’ll either know the ins & outs of what your employer can insist upon or point you in the direction of someone that can advise. 

    Let us know how you get on. 


  • Thank you for your kind and supportive words, I have contacted the disability lead at the hospital and they are disgusted in the treatment I’m getting.

    Hopefully will get some resolution soon.

  • No practical help to offer, Sasue, but I'm so angry and frustrated on your behalf. What kind of jerks treat their staff this way? I'm so glad some others have offered real help. I'm sending you warrior energy!

