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I am so relieved/shocked to be typing these words!!!!…… 95% successful with the outcome. I won’t need a stoma bag WOW I had convinced myself I was needing one and was waiting to hear those words!! I’ve had my results Ct scan which is CLEAR, MRI my consultant says something tiny can be seen, had to wait 3 wks for mri results that’s a test in its self but after an examination (very slow and gently) the consultant is happy to say it is scar tissue and that she wouldn’t be recommending a general to look but more than happy to arrange if I wanted piece of mind. Well she’s been incredible on my journey, always right, sees/operates daily, this is after all her specialty so I’m happy with her recommendation. So I’ll be seeing her every 3 months for two years then 6 Monthly two years then yearly. I have been left with a number of side effects from the treatment though, life changing for sure but at these I’m still here, I do get days where I’m positive and days where I think the worse but I’m ok trying to think of the positives! I’m now incontinence, terrible fatigue, stiffness in hips, bowel prolapse which is improving, tingling, extra sensitive skin down there still unable to pants/pads, can’t go far or anywhere on my own as too weak, anxiety, and the list goes on. BUT I’m still here laughing again, able to play with our beautiful grandchildren, the Centre of my world. Hope one day soon we can start sleep overs again eating feasts together, biscuits before breakfast, watching movies and dancing to music with disco lights at 10pm when they should be in bed lol our grandchildren are very young the eldest is seven, we have 6 gorgeous grandchildren and a seventh due soon!! I’m so lucky I know I get more time with them!!

I honestly cannot thank Heart eyesu lovely people enough on here who I have never met yet are so kind and supportive at such a terrible scary time in my life! This is the place I ran to every-time I had questions and was scared. Thank you all Heart eyes so very much Heart eyesHeart eyesHeart eyesHeart eyes xxxxx 

I know this doesn’t mean I’m completely in the clear I have read that the chances of it returning are high and other cancers are a higher risk now. My consultant has told me to check my groin, abdomen can’t remember the third place weekly and to call them if I feel any lumps straight away. Has anyone had any reacurring cancers after this treatment SCC cancer stage 2 NO NO chemoradiotherapy? Once again.. Thank you xx xx xx 

  • GreenNanny, that is WONDERFUL news - you got there!  I am so so happy for you!  And back to enjoying your lovely family, the picture you paint sounds so lovely. 

    And please believe me when I say that it is early days to be clear of all the side effects that you are suffering right now.  I haven't entirely gone back to the way I was before, but I have developed coping strategies and am getting lots of help.  I have a very full and happy life with my daughters and their families (five grandchildren under nine) all close by and I am very grateful.

    Now go and concentrate on getting better and dancing again!

    Irene xxx

  • YAY NANNY!!!!!!

    Whoo hoo!! Hip hip!!!! This is so great!

    And the side effects WILL lessen over time and make those sleepovers and feasts and dance parties even more fun!

    I'm over the moon for you.

    :D Suz

  • Woohoo! That's brilliant news Green Nanny - so so happy for you. You've had a long worrying wait for your results but now you can look forward to spending happy times with your lovely grandchildren.  Sounds like you are a fun nanny and bet your grandchildren have fab times with you with lots of laughter.

    Don't be reading stuff especially Dr Google you've had a brilliant outcome so keep happy and positive that's what I intend to do!

    Your side effects still sound pretty grim but will honestly improve I am 7 months post treatment and improving all the time to sit without a cushion was an achievement and wearing pants again! 

    Sending lots of love 

    Carole x

  • Hi thank you so very much, you take care xx 

  • Hi thank you and you too! Take care xx 

  • This is great news  , hopefully over time your side effect will improve & you’ll be back leading those grandchildren astray again really soon.


  • This is BEAUTIFUL news! I’m so happy to hear you’ve had a good report from the doctors, and yes, just knowing the treatment is so likely successful does make all of the other side effects so much more tolerable, right?!

    May you continue to improve through your recovery from the successful treatment…I’m told that time with grandchildren is good medicine, too.

    Hugs and best wishes,
