Scanxiety Eve

  • 18 replies
  • 45 subscribers

It's been a year since my treatment. Got CAT scans a week ago, blood work yesterday and tomorrow.....TADA! The o'l man and I meet with my oncologist to get the results of the scans. I'm preternaturally calm about it all. It's not really confidence—I just don't let my mind go there. I did take a peek behind the curtain of What If It's Bad News today and was a bit taken aback at the bright slash of terror. 

So I closed the curtain again.

Different sort of stress from the exams which have me sitting up in bed clutching my chest two weeks in advance.

So, with NED pulsing through my aura, here goes nothing!


  • Hey Suz!

    Dang!  I didn’t realize you had to wait a week before getting your results!  A round of applause for managing that!  Hands down, the first round of scans were the most anxious (near panic attack inducing) for me, so I think everything you’re feeling is normal, but no, that doesn’t make it any more pleasant.  I do know what you mean about the odd sense of calm.  I mean, the scans don’t change anything—what’s done is done, the scans just offer info.

    It sounds to me like you’re having a steady recovery, so that bodes well.  Also, you’re taking good care of yourself…everything in your power, you’ve done, and you have faith that everything within the power of your medical team, they have done.  So you’re darn right you’ve got NED pulsing through your aura!

    I look forward to hearing the good news from you!

    Big hugs,


    **edited to change the word “veins” to “aura”…aura is a much cooler word ;)

  • Hey Suz  

    Wishing you all the very best of luck for your appointment tomorrow Four leaf clover 

    The scanxiety is real!

    Kudos to you for keeping a lid on those rogue emotions that tend to take us to the dark side! 

    All those positive vibes you’re harnessing will pay off I’m sure. 

    Thinking of you. 


  • Hi Suz, good luck for tomorrow but I’m sure you won’t need it. A year is a big milestone and I will be thinking of you.


  • Hiya Suz

    Sending you super charged good luck vibes for your results today. Will be thinking of you.

    Love and hugs Carole x

  • Suz,

    I am hoping that by now it is all over, you are winging your way back home, high on the wings of all clear!  Update us as soon as you can, please.

    Thinking of you.


  • Hi Suz, I hope by now you've had the scans and the results. Look forward to hearing more from you. X

  • NED, baby! I'm officially in remission!

    :::::::::::::::::::pops champagne cork:::::::::::::::::::::::::

  • WOOOOOHOO!  I’ve had you on my mind all day, Suz.  I’m so stinkin’ happy for you!  Enjoy your evening, the first of decades of officially NED.

    Yay again!


  • YIPPEE!!!  Brilliant news Suz I am so happy for you!  Now you celebrate cheers my dear! 

    Big hugs Carole x

  • Suz - absolutely WONDERFUL news to wake up to, I am absolutely delighted for you!  I was so hoping to see this post.  Hope you did have lots of champagne, what a cause for celebration!

    Irene xx