Six month MRI scan results - all clear!

  • 10 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi All,

Good news today went for my 6 month MRI scan results today and it was all clear - phew!  I have been so anxious as my appointment back at my local hospital came through 5 weeks after the scan far too long a wait i think!   I was given an internal examination too which was a tad painful but okay.  She said everything was fine on examination but for the icing on the cake she wanted to book me a sigmoidoscopy - really would rather not!  Has anyone else had this?

Not keen on this consultant she is the one who missed my cancer last year by twice not examining me so may be she is being very thorough.  While i was getting dressed behind curtain she said to the nurse i missed Carole's cancer last year as i didnt examine her twice and diagnosed hemorrhoids then a colonoscopy picked up the anal cancer - the nurse said that was naughty tut tut!  Well i wasnt happy at this as they were saying it like it was a joke when it is my life they are talking about.  The consultant is very abrupt doesnt even look at you and never asked how I was or how the side effects of the treatment were.  She couldn't wait to get me out of the room.  

Its a good job I have my specialist radiotherapy nurse ringing me two monthly to chat to about the side effects obviously hospital aren't bothered. 

So i should have come out feeling on top of the world but i didnt - first thing i said to my husband was I hate that woman!   

But it was good news I will keep focusing on that - I am going down to visit my first grandchild on Thursday - one week old baby girl so can't wait! 

thanks for listening folks couldn't manage without you lovely people to keep me going the support and advice on this forum is fantastic.

Love to all Carole xHeart

  • First of that is really great news on your scan results, that must be a weight off your mind.

    For the staff to talk within your earshot is shocking.  I would have been tempted to say loudly 'I can hear you' - but of course that is easy for me to say.  But it sounds as if she was maybe alarmed by her own mistake and is being doubly careful now.  I had a sigmoidoscopy in January as my December scan showed a miniscule amount of thickening at the site of the original tumour; I was so nervous as I have stenosis of the back passage, but I was offered sedation (yes please) and in the event, it really wasn't that that painful and all was clear.  If you are apprehensive ask for sedation. 

    I am also horrified at the time between scan and follow-up appointment.  Mine are exactly a week after my scan so I have very little waiting to do but sadly that doesn't seem to be the norm in some places.

    But, now, go and enjoy your new granddaughter, grandchildren are such a blessing!

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene

    Thanks for your reply and you have made me feel better about the sigmoidoscopy and yes will ask for sedation! I just thought not something else to go through!

    Yes once I was out of the hospital I was wishing I had said something about them talking about me but I was so stressed with the ordeal of it all at the time!  Shame you are referred back to your local hospital I couldnt fault my Oncologist and team at the specialist Cancer Hospital.  No waiting for results either.

    Love Carole x

  • I would ask in advance - I did, and you can't drive afterwards, so my husband took me and waited in the coffee shop whilst I had mine.  I am sorry you were referred back to your local hospital, I continue to be under the Royal Marsden in Sutton, and the whole place runs like clockwork with very kind caring staff.  

    Best of luck with the sigmoidoscopy.

    Irene xx

  • Firstly congratulations on the great results  . Secondly how incredibly unprofessional of both your consultant & the nurse in question to discuss things so lightheartedly within earshot of you!! I’m sure many of us would have been the same & with a bit of hindsight would wish we’d said something at the time. You’re going to be seeing this person for the next 4 1/2 years so I think I would be asking if there’s anyone else that could possibly take over your surveillance appointments as it’s imperative that you have confidence in the Dr looking after you & understandably this isn’t the case! She sounds pretty arrogant to me! 

    Anyhow enjoy visiting your family & I can imagine that there’ll be lots of cuddles with your gorgeous new grand-baby. 


  • Ugh, she sounds like the NP (who was, let me see, the THIRD medical professional I consulted) who told me my pain was a result of a nicked nerve from a hemorrhoidectomy and would probably last the rest of my life and see you in 20 years. 

    Can you, demand..... a different practitioner? Cuz pardon me but sKrew that beeyotch and her giggling nurse. It's beyond unprofessional, it's unacceptably horrid.

    I'm so glad that now you have GRANDBEHBEH to boost your spirits!!! There's nothing like 'em!



  • Thanks Irene will check in advance about the sedation. Interesting to hear you have stayed under care of the hospital who treated you. 

    I actually know Sutton very well my daughter lived their for quite a few years so visited many times!

    Carole x

  • Hi Nicola

    Thanks for your reply I know I couldnt stop thinking about my appointment in bed last night when I woke at 3 am!

    I do feel like I don't want to see this Consultant in future and you are right I would be seeing her for appointments for a long time. Not sure how I can change but will have a word with my GP when I go for my annual medication review in April and also my radiotherapy nurse when she rings. Hopefully I can get to see someone else as I dread the thought of seeing her again.

    Yes you are right she is very arrogant that sums her up!  My friend has a nickname for her but I won't repeat it on here hehe!

    Yes looking forward to cuddles tomorrow and thanks again for your reply.

    Carole x

  • Hi Suz

    Thanks for your reply it made me smile!   Yep I definitely need to request (or demand!) I see different practitioner. 

    Just wrapping presents up for my granddaughter can't wait to see her!

    Carole x