CT head

  • 8 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi all

i had a CT head on Friday as been getting some slight pain to left side. Nothing major but consultant was happy to do CT head as never had one before (only PET) 

they called me today with the following info 

oedema present to left frontal lobe. They don’t think it’s metastasis and have said I’m not at any immediate risk. They said that it could be a chronic thing that I’ve had a long time but they won’t ever know because there’s nothing to compare I’m to carry on as normal as aside from the on/off pain I’ve Been fine. 

they have to do a MRI of the brain to follow up and get more info as the CT was very basic and doesn’t tell them how much fluid etc. they requested this to be done within 2 weeks but thankfully my fMuscleend works in the department and has got me in tomorrow Muscle 

as you can imagine I’m mega stressed now as I genuinely didn’t think the scan would show anything, I just thought the pain was stress and anxiety. 

Wandered if anything g had experienced this. Part of me wishes I never mentioned it right before xmas as I was all set to just enjoy the break and now I can’t think of anything else

  • I am taken aback by how much you are facing, I am so so sorry.  But the positive thing to take from this is that everything is moving very fast and it sounds as if you will know and they will do something very quickly if it is anything to be worried about.  Just keep in mind what the consultant has said, they don't think it is metastasis.  One of my scans came back and the junior oncologist said the spots in your tummy haven't changed - what?  I knew nothing about those, and then she went on to explain that every single person has some sort of cysts and abnormalities throughout their body and would never know about it.  But because scans are routine with cancer treatments, they are on heightened alert they look for changes in anything that shows up - increase or decrease in size.  So mine were nothing to worry about.

    It is so easy for others to say don't get stressed but we aren't walking in your shoes.  I hope you can gather your family around you, block it out and enjoy Christmas.

    Irene xx

  • Oh Ker, I'm sure this is eating at you, how could it not? But chances are heavily weighted in it being exactly what they told you, something you've had for a long time and just never known. I'm glad things are moving quickly.

    I hope you're able to enjoy your holiday season in spite of the worry. I know it's tempting to wish you didn't know, but information is better, for the most part. 



  • Hi  I’m really sorry to hear that you’re having to go through this, it must be so exhausting. As has been said above, scans throw up abnormalities that we all have. My Consultant told me if you scan anyone over the age of 20 there will be abnormalities in some form or another. I had abnormalities on my kidney and a rib at the first scan, they hadn’t changed at the next scan fortunately. I also had a ‘nodule’ on my lung that I wasn’t told about initially, again at a future scan I was told it hadn’t changed.   Despite this I know you’ll still worry it’s only natural. I hope you receive the results asap after the scan. Bev x

  • Thanks Irene, I do need reminding a lot about all of the things you said. I think I just forget those things because my mind goes into overdrive. 
    i had the MRI today and it was the worse experience ever. I almost didn’t go through with it. But I put on my big Girl pants and got through it, now to wait for results x

  • Thanks suz. I’m trying to just keep focused on xmas and put it to the back of my mind x

  • Thanks bev, this is all stuff I need to be reminded of becuse you forget this when your in a state of panic 

  • Hi everyone 

    Had results of MRI today and there is no news. They have said they need to repeat it in 4 weeks and compare. 
    they have said the area is microscopic so hard to know what it is. 
    they don’t think (becuse is not common) that it’s a met but they can’t be 100% sure. They need the 2nd scan to compare. If it changes then it’s likely that it is a met and then I have no idea where that leaves me. Back on the palliative route I guess. 
    i have to park it for now as I need to enjoy xmas with my babies. Nothing is guaranteed so time is everything. 
    thankyou everyone for being so lovely x

  • I am so sorry that they couldn't have given you a more definitive answer and that you have to go through yet another scan.  Please hold onto the fact that you have been told, more than once, that it is unlikely to be mets.  I don't have to tell you that everyone on here is rooting for you.  Have a lovely Christmas  with your little ones, we are all thinking of you.

    Irene xx