3 month review

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  • 40 subscribers

I had my 4 week review last week and my consultant mentioned that when they review my scans at 3 months there may still be a shadow or mass present on scans. He said the often struggle to know of this is active cancer or just scar tissue. They would request a PET scan if unsure. 

how have the rest of you been at that 3 month mark and what were you left with when getting the all clear. 

i know it’s a little way ahead for me but just trying to get my head clear which seems impossible at the moment. 

  • Hi Kerrie ( ),

    I’ve just read both of your recent posts, I hope you don’t mind me responding to them both together here. 

    What your consultant has said is correct, it’s not unusual for there to be something still showing on those first scans. Sometimes this can be residual disease but often it is scar tissue. Even if this is residual disease remember that the radiation continues working in our bodies for some time following that last session. From others on the forum that have had experience of this it seems it’s often the case that this leads to an EUA (examination under anaesthetic) where sometimes a small biopsy of the area is taken to clarify. 

    In response to your other post about feeling a small lump, I would give your treating team a call, either your specialist nurse if you have one or your consultants secretary & ask if you could get checked out just to put your mind at rest. With it being such early days you’re bound to be on high alert & concerned, that’s only natural, 4.5 years out of treatment I still check myself almost on a daily basis whilst washing in the shower. Hopefully you’ll find it’s a skin reaction & nothing more. Please let us know how you get on. 


  • When I saw my oncologist for my three-month review she remarked that there was a lot of scar tissue and 'thickening' which is also to do with the radiation treatment.  I knew what I had read on here about the radiation continuing to work and at that time, she said they were very pleased with my progress and that they would see me in three months.  It was the first real rest from treatment that I had had for a long time so we jumped on a ferry to Spain for a nine-week 'break'.

    Check-ups and scans are always a worrying time and you have my sympathy.  But I am so pleased to hear that you are feeling well and have healed, that is such good news as I remember what an exceptionally rough time you had during treatment.

    Hoping you manage to find some peace this Christmas!

    Irene xx

  • Thankyou to both of you. I spoke with them this morning and hoping my Gp will review tomorrow. They have said it’s most likely an accumulation of fluid as cotton bigger over night and more tender. Still nothing to see it’s just on touch. 
    hopefully they will give me some Antibiotics or something as precaution. 

    also had results of cut head today which il post another feed about Disappointed

  • Dang, I sure wish I'd get some sort of scans! They're not going to give me any until a year out from treatments. But this is the reason they gave for it- that it's so common to see shadows and other things that are foreboding, and that it just makes more sense to wait until all the chemo drugs have calmed down and exited the stage.

    Which does make sense.


  • They are the experts and we have to trust there judgement I guess. It’s very hard but when I put my nurses head on it does make sense. Maybe once I can get back to work I will use my nursing head more and not be stressed so easily x