Temperature post chemo radio

  • 10 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

so typically this evening I spiked a temp. Finished treatment last Friday. Bloods were all normal the Monday before finishing. 

tonight I thought maybe it was related to the hot bath I’d had. Took paracetamol and it came down. Just woke again and it’s back to 38.5.

I’ve been feeling a bit rubbish all week on/off but functioned ok despite the pain I’m in. but tonight I feel shivery but hot. 

i know I’m my heads I should call in but I’m in so much pain I can’t bear the thought of going into a&e on a Friday evening feeling like this. 

I’ve just got a voice that once told me it’s the people who wait with a temp who end up poorly-eg sepsis. 

i have 2 young children and my husband has had a couple of beers this evening watching footy 

just after some reassurance I suppose Fingers crossed

  • Hi ,

    Being so recently out of treatment I would get this temperature checked out if it persists. It may be nothing but it might also be infection somewhere for which you’ll need treatment or medication.

    I had to go to A&E at 9pm on a Saturday night 5 days after my local resection surgery to remove my tumour due to my stitches bursting & was in a lot of pain & bleeding but believe me the reassurance & advice I got there was well worth the visit. 

    I hope you’re ok & get sorted & are feeling better soon. 


  • Hello Ker25

    I am really hoping you are alright by now; getting a temperature can be so worrying especially during the treatment.  I went when I was still having treatment and was given intravenous antibiotic and was in hospital for two nights.  However, some time later I developed a slight temperature again and took the decision (along with my husband) that he would feed me paracetamol and keep a very close eye on me, and the next day I was fine.  I hasten to add this isn't what I advise you to do; it was just the first time the hospital was so busy I spent the night in a plastic chair as there wasn't a bed available and I had really bad burns.

    Please let us know how you are; a Friday evening in A&E isn't the best place to be, that's for sure.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Ker 25,

    1. Please, at least phone the hospital for advice! I was given a telephone number by my consultant and told to use it anytime I was worried! I also was fine,  spiked a temp, but decided paracetamol would fix it,  then suddenly started to get chest pain, so bad 999 had to be called! My heart had gone into spasms owing to the chemotherapy tablets! No lasting damage but if only I'd rung the hospital in the first place, all the drama could have been avoided!
    2. Just a phone call please!
    3. Hope you're better very soon, let us know how you get on,
    4. Take care,
    5. Moira x
  • I don't have a clue why there's a number at the start of each paragraph! 

  • It IS normal to have a higher temp after a hot bath, and I have one every night of my life now. I was also very hot/shivery during the aftermath of treatment.

    It's never a bad idea to call the nurse. I think it's also okay to keep an eye on it for 24 hours and take your temp every hour or so and see.

    I feel for you so hard, Ker. This is such a difficult phase. Hope you get some rest.



  • Thankyou everyone for replying. I called this morning and they got immediate in to the day case as I’d expected. 

    They set up fluids and iv antibiotics and took bloods. I’m not neutropenic and my wcc was normal. Took covid swabs too.

    as my bloods were ok and my temp was back to normal in there they sent me home. 

    2 hours later they have called me and said my crp has come back slightly raised. And the swab grew influenza. They have said I need to isolate for 3 days but if my temp spikes again I need to have my crp re-checked and may need to go back in. I’m not allowed paracetamol either as this will mask it.

    anyway I’m now shivering again, and temp is back in the rise. They have agreed that my sister can do my bloods at home (she’s a nurse) and they will call me if concerned. 

    im so annoyed. It feels like they just wanted me out of there when I’m actual fact if they had just waited it would have saved all the trips and stress. 

    im aware how serious flu can be which is why I’m even more annoyed. I feel as though they should have just said, we will get you a bed come back in, or not discharged me. RageRage

  • Oh Ker, you have so been through the mill every step of this journey.  I agree, all this going back and forth to the hospital must be so stressful on top of all the pain you are going through right now.  I am keeping everything crossed that it all works out and you needn't be admitted.  I must admit I am feeling more than a little bit guilty that I told you what I had done the second time I had a temperature (not ringing the helpline, but staying at home) but the all the faff connected with a A&E hospital visit really got to me the first time - even the doctor I saw said I should have never been left in a chair all night.

    I am so glad you have your sister there to do what is needed - thinking of you.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene, don’t feel guilty. I appreciate everyone’s input. I called the ward again at 7pm becuse my temp spike again. Got to to now take paracetamol and if the temp dosnt come down the I should call Again. It was obvious it would spike, I’ve got flu. So annoying that the advice is different every time. 

    i don’t feel any worse than I did so just going to get some sleep. My temp is down to 36.4 again. 

    will re evaluate I. The morning x

  • Ah thank you!  Have a good night's sleep (if you can) xx

  • Hi again 

    I hope you managed to get some sleep & are feeling a little better this morning.

    What an absolute faff on!! Why on earth didn’t they just keep you in until they were sure you were on the mend? They stress that during/after treatment if you feel unwell, spike a temperature etc., you should call & be assessed, you’ve done this & there’s all this hassle for you going back & forth, the last thing you want when you’re not feeling great!! 

    I am so grateful for our NHS but sometimes I think it’s more about bed management than it is about what’s truly in the patients best interest! 

    I hope you’re feeling better soon. Keep us informed. 
