Uncontrollable bowels

  • 5 replies
  • 39 subscribers

I had anal cancer in 2016 and fully recovered.  The last year or two my bowels have got worse and worse.  Suffering quite a few accidents and no control of my bowels.  I have had 2 colonscopies recently (a regular and a CT one) and all is clearn I steer clear of wholemeal bread and beans etc. I wonder if ahyone can suggest anything?  Thanks

  • Hi Cleopatra, I am now 4 years NED. I have had MRIs, CTs & colonoscopies. I often have accidents just after breakfast, once having one whilst we were out for dinner on holiday! It is so embarrassing. I can empathise with you. I seem to go from being unable to go, & then have times when I can’t leave the toilet & can spend hours there, feeling nauseous & as if I am going to pass out. I have been referred to the late effects cancer clinic in Southampton, who appear to be highly efficient and thorough. I eat everything, as having tried cutting out certain foods doesn’t work. I do wonder if I have IBS as well…. Sorry I can’t offer advice! I do take loperamide if I am travelling, I’d rather be bunged up than having accidents!  Pam 

    Lady Tourelle

  • Thanks Pam. I have an appointment with a specialist at Hillingden this saturday.  Although I'm not that hopeful.  I know other people have mentioned loperamide but I don't want to depend on it.  

  • I am sorry I can't suggest anything useful.  I think for all of us who have undergone radiotherapy there are permanent changes and some not very pleasant and it must be so disappointing that you have this all all these years later.  I do hope you get some help from the specialist.  

    Irene x

  • Hi Cleopatra, 

    I hope your appointment went well today! I worked with a pelvic floor therapist after my chemo radiation. I had severe vaginal fibrosis from the radiation along with bowel urgency issues. It definitely helped and I know she also worked with other patients that had lost some of there bowel control due to cancer treatment. I now have a colostomy. If you ever get to the point that nothing is working and your quality of life is suffering, then a colostomy may be an option. It is a big transition, but it's totally manageable.

    Take care,


  • Hi Hopie - specialist had a feel and said my muscles are very weak and there is a lot of scar tissue.  He said I should take immodium (which other people have suggsted) I will if going out and he is also referring me for some exercises.  Thanks everyone for your replies.  I think also its an age thing too, as you get older your muscles weaken.