Distinct smell and other familiar symptoms

  • 2 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi, I am new to this forum but am a year post treatment I had stage 3 anal cancer. Treatment seemed successful but lately I have started to not feel great again.

Sorry in advance for tmi but before I was diagnosed my poo had a very distinctive smell. Like nothing I’d ever experienced before. Has anyone else had this? This disappeared after treatment but  has just returned. As soon as I smelt it I was immediately taken back, I recognised it right away. 

Im also in agony again going to the loo. Obviously I have some stenosis from my treatment but this feels like it did before. Like there is an obstruction. I find I am crying out in pain even though I am using some anaesthetic gel  and pain meds  it’s all seeming horribly familiar  

Obviousky I will call my oncologist first thing tomorrow. But I wanted to ask does anyone else remember having that distinctive smell? It genuinely is so distinctive. 

I had practically no symptoms before being diagnosed apart from pain trying to go to the loo and this same smell. 

Feeling a bit worried if I’m honest  

  • Hi @Zero and welcome to the group. I can’t say I’ve noticed a smell before treatment and I can’t remember anyone mentioning this issue before. Please try keep an open mind as to whether  it has returned (easier said than done I know). I’m 3 years post treatment and on many occasions have had terribly uncomfortable times where I feel like I’m back to square one with the soreness and pain of going to the toilet. I get a strange sensation right where the tumour was and a feeling of a deep cut, like I had with the tumour. Many times I’ve convinced myself it’s back and made myself thoroughly miserable thinking this but these sensations are common after treatment. They are due to the stenosis and the nerve endings being frazzled and damaged in the anal canal due to the radiation. Obviously you’ve done the right thing in deciding to call your Oncologist tomorrow, any changes always need checking out. Hopefully all will be well. Please let us know how you get on. Bev x

  • I am sorry you are having this worry after all your treatment. Please don't ever apologise for giving a graphic description of anything you are going through.  Just because no one can relate to what you are saying right at this moment doesn't mean that someone with your symptoms might join the forum in the future and totally relate to your experience.  I'm afraid I don't particularly remember any particular smell but that may well be because as I have got older my sense of smell has diminished quite markedly.  Also my tumour was submucosal and in the rectum so I had no symptoms at all apart from skinny poos.

    Please come back when you have spoken to your oncologist; hopefully they will investigate and put your mind at rest.

    Irene xx