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  • 39 subscribers

Hi advice pls?! Going out for lunch today I start my treatment on the 7th nov do you think it’ll be ok to have a few glasses of red wine? 

  • Hi 

    I definitely would! It shouldn’t be a problem at all. Make the most of normal times before your treatment starts.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah thanks for the reply thanks think I’ll enjoy a few. Just been gifted from my children all 3 adults their partners and my hubby a gift full of gifts to start opening from tomorrow- a 60 day count down to my 69th birthday which we would have had a o lol very celebration but cancelled now till later next year so this really has been a wonderful surprise and just about to go fir a lunch all together with grandchildren too apart from our daughter and family who are away on holiday. I’ve just read your status story YOU are one very brave lady, just incredible! Thank you for sharing all of your journey. You have made be feel more positive today I’ll have you and others in my thoughts helping me to be strong as I go through mine. Take care xx 

  • Hi 

    What a lovely gift to receive from your family and such a thoughtful thing they’ve done! I hope you will enjoy every single thing from it, starting with your meal today. 

    There are lots of absolutely fabulous people in this group to hold your hand and help you through this. I pitch in sometimes in this group when I feel I have something to add, and I’ve found it to be amazing, full of support and kindness. 

    I’m glad if I can help show that no matter what, you can get through and come out the other side. I believe we are all brave, and we can find an inner strength we didn’t even know we had.

    Have a wonderful time, and enjoy the wine! I’m currently having a glass of white. Joy

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Just catching up and I hope you had a lovely time with your family and enjoyed those few glasses of wine!  My sense of taste changed so much during the chemo/radiotherapy there were very few foods I fancied and alcohol was completely off the table.  It's completely back now Blush!  

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene I’m pleased you’re enjoying it again YumGrinning  it’s was lovely however I didn’t enjoy the wine at all. Not sure if it’s nerves or the tumor that’s changed my tastes. It tasted off I asked my husband and youngest son to try it and they thought it was fine so I tried a different wine and couldn’t drink that either. Tasted very strange awful after taste left in my mouth. But I still had a good time althoUgh I  was so uncomfortable I did enjoy being with them. Special times are precious x