Sitting down again

  • 11 replies
  • 43 subscribers

My mum is 7 weeks post radiotherapy and she's still having trouble sitting down, she's still so sore around her anus.

how long did it take for others to be able to sit again? 

  • Hi Aww bless your mum I start my treatment on 7/11/22 for 7 and half weeks I was told I’d still be sore for a couple of months afterwards so here’s hoping your mum isn't far off that now x 

  • Sitting normally without pre-planning and misery noises was one of most fervent prayers post-treatment! It took me about 3 months before it really started to improve. Now at 6 months post it's almost what I prayed for!


  • Hi Hollyberry12

    Sorry to hear your mum is still having problems sitting down.  I still have to be careful sitting down at 10 weeks post treatment. I use a cushion when going in the car and otherwise find ways to sit to one side of my bottom can't sit upright!  

    Sure we will heal eventually - we've had some tough treatment down there! Xx

  • I am trying hard to remember the time frame with me but I think the mind has a way of blocking out the pain and unpleasantness once it has passed.  I know I was still sitting on a cushion (for hard chairs especially) 14 weeks out and even now seven months later I sit on a cushion in the car as I still have haemorrhoids that cause me quite a bit of pain.  But nothing like the early days.

    Irene x

  • Hi, I was about three months before I could confidently sit down with no bother.

  • Hi It is 3 months since my treatment finished and it is still extremely painful to poo, I am due an MRI scan in few days, so hopefully this will be explained. It seems everybody’s recovery is difference.

  • Hi Pauline

    Sounds like you are having your MRI and ct scans same time as me! I have both booked for this Friday three months after treatment. Then oncologist appt Friday 18th November.

    Good luck and fingers crossed for both of us. 

    Carole x

  • Hello Pauline I experienced painful bowel movements especially if they were a bit on the firm side very uncomfortable for many months. At 16 ( I counted weeks and divided in months via my iPhone) months but my hospital say 14 months I can now comfortably have unpainful bowel movements. I know some here go longer but not everyone.

  • Yes my MRI is Friday 11th and oncologist appointment 18 th November. God luck xx Fingers crossed

  • That is comforting but also disappointing, You just long to be pain free, Thank you