
  • 8 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hello all, 

I finished my treatment on the 10th of August, and spent the last few weeks recovering. I’ve an appointment with my consultant today, not really sure why as I’ve not had any scans yet to see if it’s been successful. The scan isn’t due until mid November, 12 weeks after treatment I’ve been told, The wait to find out is agonising. 

I’ve decided to start planning the future, I’d really love to go on holiday if the treatment has been successful or not, but I’ve been quoted extortionate amount of money for travel insurance, I guess it’s cause I’ve not had the all clear, I was hoping some of you could point me in the direction of insurance companies that you’ve used? 

Has anyone else’s attitude changed to life since diagnosis, I certainly won’t be coasting/plodding through life anymore, it’s just a pity it took something so serious to give me the wake up call! 



  • No help to offer on the insurance (but dang!!!), but yeah, I'm starting, finally, 6 months out of treatment, to find myself sinking more deeply into the present and living more intensely.

    It's taken a while to get here, and, like you, I'm a little miffed that it took something as awful as anal cancer to prod me out of complacency. But I also hoped to take something positive from the experience. I think this is it!

    Hope you get your holiday soon!


  • Hi 

    There is a group in the community specifically to discuss travel insurance, so you should find some useful information there-

    I couldn’t get cover while I didn’t have the all clear, and it can be very expensive until you’ve had your scan results. But a holiday to look forward to is a great idea-I now go as many times as I can possibly afford, and don’t think about the money. It certainly does change your outlook on life! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Dino, Yes, it gives us all a shock! But there is life out there. I had anal cancer having previously had a stroke on my 56th birthday. I had decided if I could beat the stroke, having lost the use of my left side apart from dragging my leg along with me! I could get through this. It has been tough, I must admit, and I still suffer from after effects of the radiotherapy. I am presently on holiday in Provence, having driven most of the way. I sail with Jubilee Sailing Trust & I try to get to Kenya as often as possible as we support a school out there. Give it a little time & get your results, try Staysure for insurance. You will get there!

    Best wishes,


    Lady Tourelle

  • Hi ,

    Travel insurance following any major health event is an absolute minefield! I agree with  that one of the best places to get advice is on our Travel insurance forum for cancer patients, I’m also a member over there & got lots of pointers regarding travel insurance for my first holiday following my treatment. 


  • I have travel insurance through my bank.  When I had my three month check, my oncologist said the primary tumour is shrinking, everything is going according to plan and we'll see you in three months.  I got in touch with my bank's insurers and they wouldn't cover me for cancer.  However, my husband and I had a talk and decided we had been told everything is stable, that we would go anyway, and so we did for nine glorious weeks in Spain.  I should stress, I am not recommending this for you!   But we did a risk assessment on ME, everything was stable and if something did go wrong, we could be home in 36 hours (driving) or four hours (flying) plus I was still covered by my GHIC card for essential medical treatment.  Of course going further afield where medical insurance is a prerequisite is very different, I can't help you there.  Best of luck!

  • Hi Irene

    I was actually the same, with insurance through the bank. I got NED at my 3 month scan, but the bank wouldn’t cover me for cancer until I’d been 6 months clear. This was 5 months from treatment when we checked and as I had been declared Ned and was feeling well, we did go on holiday-long haul- for 2 weeks with cover for everything as normal, except my cancer.

    It was a risk, but no-one can see into the future and we decided to take the chance. As it happens, I was fine while we were away, but the week after w came back I had a check up and my cancer had unfortunately recurred. I was lucky, and I don’t regret going, but it was maybe a tad risky and I probably wouldn’t recommend it! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • As we sailed off on the ferry to Santander I did think are we doing the right thing?!  But like you I don't regret it.  I am sorry you had recurrence and I have read your remarkable story. I am so glad you are here to tell the tale and that you have stayed to help others. xx

  • Thank you Irene. Very blessed to be here still, and having as many holiday as I can these days!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm