Piles and burning anus

  • 3 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hello ladies

I’m 4 months into healing of anal cancer.   I felt that passing stools was easier a number of weeks ago.  Now I burn when passing stools probably caused by piles and the addition of foods other than bland to my diet.  I’ve been told to use anusol at the entrance and up the anus.  The burning is heightened.  I have even had some unexpected incidents where I had no control.  Has anyone had this same experience and any suggestions to stop the burning, please, Nana42

  • Hi  have you actually been diagnosed with piles? Either way I would suggest giving your treatment team a call. The burning is probably due to an inflamed back passage due to a change in your diet , don’t forget that particular area has had a hefty dose of radiation. Even now 2 & a half years down the line the skin in and around my back passage has flare ups. The skin is much. more delicate than before. I still take salt baths which helps. You could keep a food diary to check if any particular foods/ fluids make things worse but just flag this up with your treating team and see if they have any other suggestions. Bev. 

  • Thank you Bev for prompt response.  

  • Hi Nana42,

    I am also nearly 4 months post treatment.

    The burning you describe sounds extremely uncomfortable. Have you had piles diagnosed by doc or the care team where you were treated?. It just might be you are giving yourself more discomfort by using something you don't really need, so I would def check this out just in case the Anusol is part of the problem.

    I would agree with 1in1500 that you perhaps keep a note of what you are eating; our poor bottoms have had a tough time and some foods are definitely not good - keeping track would help you find out what, if any, foods are contributing to your pain, and that maybe also what's making you lose control occasionally.

    Have you tried a sitz bath? I was recommended one through this forum and I find it really soothing. Maybe you could bathe your bottom in cool water and get some relief that way. 

    Hopefully other will pick up your post too and may be able to offer more help.