Feeling guilty

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I was diagnosed end of may, had stoma operation 7th June and then had chemoradiation for five and half weeks from august plus covid and lung clot….I am still off work and part of me wonders if I should be going back?? so many people seem to just get back to normal quite quick but I’m not feeling that way at all. I have appt in Jan with surgeon to discuss progress as tumour shrank but still there so feel like I’m in limbo and mood swings daily….anyone else had the same? Or any advice? 

    1. Hi  you sound to have had an awful time of it. Everyone’s recovery time is so different. Only go back to work when you feel ready to do so, don’t feel pressured into going back when you’re not fit enough. I returned to work four months after treatment, it’s a full time job and the travel time was 1.5 hours-2 hours round trip ( on a bad day). They let me do some days at home though and reduced hours for the first two weeks. I would have a word with your employer, they have to make reasonable adjustments as cancer is classed as a disability under the Equality Act in the UK.   The radiotherapy does continue to work for some months after so hopefully the tumour will have dissolved by next year’s check up. As far as the mood swings go this is very usual. Having cancer is a life changing event, it’s hard to get your head around it. Talking to people will help, bottling things up is definitely not a good idea. We’re here to support you. Bev x
  • Thank you for this, my employer is actually ok as I work at a hospital, it’s just me putting pressure on me as I do over think a lot :( 

  • Hi Sasue, I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time! Everyone's recovery is different and sounds as though you have had a rough go of it. I would not return to work until you are physically ready. It is a difficult treatment and it takes a toll on us both physically and mentally. 

    Your body has gone through alot and needs time to heal. The fatigue alone from the chemo and radiation lasted for months for me. It is an emotional rollercoaster during and after treatment. It took me almost a yr to feel like I was feeling somewhat normal. I would discuss your mood swings with your Dr and maybe they could prescribe something for a short time.

    I still had some residue of my tumor after treatment and my Radiation Oncologist assured me the radiation keeps working for up to a year. That was 9 yrs ago and I am still NED, Praise the Lord!!

    Don't go by how others have recovered, your situation is unique to You. You WILL get through this and be back to work all in good time. 

    Take care and God Bless you!