Early CT scan

  • 4 replies
  • 38 subscribers

I had my last CT scan on 27th September and there was no visible cancer, now I've just had a letter for another CT scan on 23rd November, this seems early to me! I finished treatment in April so I'm not yet sure but I thought scans were 3 monthly? Any ideas anyone please?

Moira x

  • Hello Moira, I finished my treatment on the 23rd June and had my CT scan 16 weeks later in October and not the usual 12 week period. Luckily my scan came up as NED and my next scan is in the next 12 weeks. I wonder if they just fit you in when possible and getting you in before the Christmas rush rather than possibly not being able to get you in December due to holidays and resulting in you having to wait longer. I am sure if they had concerns they would let you know. Julie

  • Hi Julie, thank you that's a good point! Do you know, I'm so busy panicking that I never thought about the holiday period! I have to keep reminding myself that my last scan results were good! 

    I'm so pleased your results were also good and again, thank you for calming me down!

    Moira x

  • Hi Moira (),

    As  has said it may just be that this is the closest available date to when you should be scanned. The pandemic has thrown everything off kilter there’s so much in other areas of the NHS that have been allowed to slide & need catching up with now. If you’re concerned please don’t sit & worry, give your oncologist a call & ask if it’s anything you should be concerned about. I’m guessing not I think it’ll be the case that this is the first available appointment close to your 3 month check-up & they’ll probably want to avoid the height of winter period when Covid cases may end up taking priority again! 


  • Hi Nicola,  thinking sensibly about it, I'm sure you're right! Also my consultant has changed and I'm seeing him for the first time on 21st December! Maybe this also has something to do with it! I just feel as if I live in hospitals at the moment but thank God for our NHS! Thanks Nicola,

    Moira x