11 weeks post treatment still struggling

  • 4 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Dear all. 

  • Hi Prettypinkroses, I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time. Everyone is different and sounds as though you had really rough go during treatment. 

    Fatigue can last for up to a yr or longer in some and sounds as though yours is to the extreme. Did they run blood test to check your hemoglobin? A low hemoglobin can cause severe fatigue, nausea and can effect your heart rate. If they have not done this blood test recently, I would push for it immediately. 

    Cancer treatment is hard on our body and you need answers now. 

    Hope you get the help you need soon, God Bless Theresa.

  • Hi   you sound to be having an awful time. It is still very early days after treatment but I'm pleased to see you've been referred to a gastroenterologist. For the time being, have you asked for any anti-nausea tablets? I had them during chemo and they helped a lot. After treatment, I was diagnosed as being anaemic after finding I'd get to the top pf the stairs and be breathless, dizzy and a fast heartrate.  As has suggested, I would get your blood levels checked out.   Hopefully things will start to pick up but for now make sure you get plenty of rest and stay hydrated, this will help with constipation. The fatigue can drag on for a long time, your body has taken a battering and needs time to heal. Bev x

  • Thank you  and  for your kind words and help. I haven’t had bloods done for a while and hoping to see a gastroenterologist soon so assuming these will be done by them. Just so debilitating (which isn’t like me) and if I eat I get so congested can’t bend or move it’s so uncomfortable and if I don’t eat I’ll just keel over. It’s catch 22. I wonder if it may be radiation colitis for which there is no cure. Unfortunately I have suffered with constipation for 30 years so hydration doesn’t work for me, neither does Movicol and more aggressive laxatives may be irritating the inflammation inside. I need to see someone that can pin point exactly what it is and help me find a way to do something at least. I wonder if even a temporary stoma might help my system have a rest and heal. I’ve literally no idea! 

    Honestly struggling right now to see the point of all I’ve been through to not be able to lead a decent life. My girls are 8 and 10. I can’t even cook or pick them up from school. My treatment was such a success in that the cancer has gone but conversely I’m now more ill  than when I had cancer.  

  • Hi  it does sound debilitating and is really having an impact on your quality of life. Unfortunately, the road post-treatment can be a very bumpy one and it can be so frustrating to get through treatment and then be faced with more problems.  I do hope that the gastroenterologist can get to the root cause. I would also consider asking your Oncologist to make a referral to an Oncological Psychologist, I followed this route myself after treatment and found it did help. Bev x