MRI scan results

  • 5 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi All, just a question which you may not be able to answer. I was told last week by my oncologist that my MRI scan results would take three weeks. I have just received a telephone consultantion  for the 14th October which is ten days from my scan date. Do they give bad news over the phone? I am hoping she is going to give me good news and if it had been the other way they would have given me a hospital appointment. My head is doing overtime!

  • Hi 

    The honest answer here is there’s no way of knowing this unfortunately with the NHS running the way it is at present, so many appointments are now changed to telephone appointments rather than face to face although if the news wasn’t great I would hope your Dr would have the sensitivity to see you in clinic to discuss next steps. What I can say is it’s normal for results to be back & for them to have been viewed by everyone that has input & the report on them written in the timeframe you describe, my Dr’s always allow 2 weeks between having the scan & my review appointment, this has been both face to face & over the phone during the pandemic! Also be assured that the anxiety you’re feeling is something most of us go through when waiting for results of any kind, it’s not a nice feeling. Have you thought about meditation/relaxation exercises as a way of dealing with some of the anxiety you’re feeling? There’s some good apps you can get on your phone, Headspace seems to be one of the most popular ones, I’ve used this in the past. I know it may sound futile but it really can help with the stress & anxiety. Other than that I’d just try taking a deep breath & keep yourself as busy as possible until your appointment date so it gives you less time to sit & dwell on the ‘what ifs’. I’m sending lots of positive thoughts your way for your results. 


  • Hi  I agree with  there’s no way of knowing in these post-Covid times. I also think some hospitals will have different approaches. Just one thing which you may already know, sometimes the whole tumour hasn’t disappeared by the first scan post treatment. This is not uncommon. If that happens you will be called back in about another 3 months for a second scan. The radiotherapy keeps on working for quite some months and by the second scan it should have disappeared completely. Please let us know how you get on. Bev x

  • Thank you Nicola, I will certainly look into the meditation apps route. Your thoughts start to spiral and hope my Doctor, who is great will be sensitive to the fact that I will be worrying. 

  • Hi Bev, thank you for that. I had surgery to remove an abnormal area in which they found some cancer cells and they said they removed most of it apart from some stray cells and I had the treatment to ensure nothing was left. I have read the scarring can take a while to heal. When I had the PET scan my oncologist said there was a dark shadow in the area I had the surgery. She thought I had just had a biopsy as the surgeon from my local hospital had not given her all the information as to what he did. It was only when I told her that he told me he had cut it away and it wasn’t a biopsy. When she contacted the surgeon to find out what was actually done she said the shadow was scarring.  It was not very good communication between the hospitals. I am just hoping this scan doesn’t give false information. Here is me worrying and not leaving that to the experts! I will definitely let you know the outcome x

  • It sounds as though you went down a similar route to me , I had a local resection then chemoradiotherapy as ‘mop up’ treatment as you say to take care of any stray cells. My oncologist has always said he’d be very surprised if I had any recurrence & I’m now over 3 years post treatment & NED. Hopefully you’ll be like me & it’ll all be good. 
