2 year scan

  • 6 replies
  • 41 subscribers


Just wanted to let you know that I've just received the results from my 2 year scan - and all clear!!

Bloomin eck the relief!!!!  I've been like a bear with a sore head for the past few weeks, snapping at everyone and not really functioning properly at all.  I can't tell you how relieved I feel.  And it just goes to show that all my worrying about pain, bloating, bladder issues etc etc is all pretty much what's to be expected and 'normal' (for me).

Phew!!  can relax again for a while!

Thank you to everyone who keeps supporting me and helping me with my anxiety leading up to check-ups/scans - it really does feel like it gets out of control sometimes!

I think like has been said on another thread, it's hard for anyone who hasn't been through this to understand the fear you feel - so glad I have this forum!!!

Deb x