Where to get a cushion to make sitting easier

  • 11 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi  l am new to the forum. Recently diagnosed and should start my treatment in Southampton in a couple of weeks. Not looking forward to it. I know that sitting will be very uncomfortable so can anyone recommend a good cushion and where l can get one.

I have been reading the conversations and have found them very helpful.  It will be good to hear the experiences of  people who are going/have gone through it particularily the aids and tips.

I have family who will support me but as l am shielding due to being clinically vulnerable they are unable to visit me so l am trying to work something out. Having the vaccine this weekend which should help.

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly welcome to the online community although I’m so sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. This is a great place to get advice on dealing with any side effects that may crop up before/during/after treatment & somewhere you can come for some support when needed from others that are & have been in the position you are now. It’s also great to hear that you’re going to get the vaccine before you begin your treatment! 

    If you click on my username & have a little read of my profile you’ll see I had surgery (local resection) first followed 8 weeks later by a course of chemoradiotherapy, I didn’t have the need for a cushion during treatment, the discomfort I suffered in the couple of weeks post treatment was remedied by just sitting or laying on my side although following my surgery was a very different matter! I was really sore & on advice from this forum soon ordered myself a doughnut cushion from Amazon & used it in the house & also for driving. Some other members here though have been advised on other cushion styles, I’ll try & contact someone I know had a different style & see if I can find out a name & supplier of these, hopefully someone will be along shortly with some information on other ideas too. 

    Regarding the treatment for me the thought & imaginings of what was going to happen were far worse than the reality. The side effects are accumulative & you’ll be given advice, lotions & potions  & learn to deal with them as they arise. 

    Please don’t hesitate to ask if you’ve any questions about anything there’s always someone around that can usually offer some advice .


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Thanks for that Nicola. Really pleased l am getting the vaccine before treatment. Looking at Amazon now but would welcome any other suggestions for cushions also.

    Got all my booklets and info from the oncology clinic today so lots of reading ahead.I've 


  • Hi again ,

    I’ve contacted my friend who used another cushion during her treatment & she’s kindly sent me the link I hope the link works! 

    Yes there’s a lot of information to absorb in the beginning isn’t there? 


  • Try The Complete Care shop. Complete care shop.co.uk I think!  I had an Inflatable Pressure Cushion which my husband had been given - I took it everywhere and used in car too. Perfect. Helped a lot.  I also have a doughnut cushion but prefer the inflatable one. 
    Good luck! 

  • Hi and welcome.  Yes, sitting is uncomfortable during treatment.  I tried a donut ring cushion but didn't find it comfortable enough. I was referred to the District Nurses through the hospital as they provide specialist equipment and they gave me a special cushion which was unbelievably comfortable. They also said I could have a special mattress if I needed it but I didn't. Also, just to say that my treatment was definitely not as bad as I expected it to be. It does go very quickly as well.  Please come back on with any other queries about anything, Bev 

  • Hi LizR

    I think I did a shopping list in a previous post. Things I picked up from this site really. Things I wouldn’t have done without are.....

    Portable bidet bottle - important later on in treatment and post treatment 

    Dead sea salts for bath but not once sores break!!

    Air cushion / doughnut cushion

    Leg rest - put feet up on sofa

    V pillow

    Boxer shorts - stop knicker line soreness

    Long nighty - same as above can slouch with legs up and still dignified

    Tena lady pads 

    Sensitive flushable wipes

    Gentle soap and soft sponge

    I also bought elasticated waist trousers (no metal at all) so could just slide down for radiotherapy- no need to change thenWink

    I’m 3 weeks post treatment now. Doing well. Grateful for this group and all the support it offers. How this helps...... please ask if you have any questions. Great you’ve had vaccine! 
    Best wishes 


  • Hi LizR,

    When I went (came) through this in 2012/2013, I bought the following pillow from our local medical supply - meant for broken coccyx bone, but certainly relieved the pressure from my anal area. Used at home, in the car, and when out.


    I see there are a number of what look to be more comfortable (sculpted) versions (that were not carried where I bought mine).

    An example:  


    Good luck and best wishes.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    I will look into that.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Bottom56

    Thanks for that Ruth. This will be a great help.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Phoenix Rising

    There a certainly a lot to choose from.
