Follow up

  • 5 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi all. I've been in remission now since October 18. I've had 3 follow up appointments since which have been physical examinations. 

I was initially diagnosed T4. 

I asked about having a scan as I'm scared it may come back somewhere else but she said they don't do scans. So how are they suppose to know? I insisted & she's sending me for a ct but just wanted to ask what other people's follow up treatment has been? 

I'm in the uk. Think US treatment is different sometimes. 

Thank you 

  • Hello, 

    i too was diagnosed with a T4 tumour in June 18, after treatment I was given the all clear in Dec 18.

    my consultant has insisted on repeating scans and also examinations under anaesthetic. 

    I had this in March and will expect again in  July. 

    I am in Scotland, U.K. 

    i realise all hospitals are different but I was so relieved to hear they intend to repeat both MRI and CT scans regularly. 

    Sounds like you are quite correct to insist on them if they do not pro actively book them? 

    Good luck and fight for your rights! 

    Lorna x 

  • Hi Lexi12, 

    I completed my treatment mid-June 2018 so I’m just over a year down the ‘remission road’. From the end of treatment my first couple of appointments were internal examinations then I had an MRI & CT scan 3 months post treatment. I was told then that regular protocol for follow up on this diagnosis is predominantly internal examinations with annual scans. I’ve just had my annual MRI ordered by oncology but also a CT scan ordered by my surgeon, I’m due the results of these on 2nd July. I’m presuming this will continue, internal examinations in between the annual scans. 

    Nicola x

  • FormerMember

    Hi there

    I to was T4 with spread to pelvic nodes N3.

    I’ve been clear since Sept ‘18. Since then I’ve had 3 monthly physical examinations and they have been clear. My next one is due next Thurs (anxious already!) then I’ve been told my appointments will be 4 monthly. My scans are annual, so next ones will be September. I had hoped my scans would be more regular especially as I had spread to nodes. I raised this with my surgeon but he said this is standard surveillance, same for everyone. So I didn’t push it and had to trust what he said. 

    Having read posts on here before I think annual scans are fairly typical.

    I’m dreading September!


  • Aw thanks for replying. Maybe it is the norm then. Just such a worry. Good luck for September x

  • Thanks Nicola. Seems your team are more on the ball than mine. Good luck x