Week 8 post treatment - aching all over

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  • 39 subscribers


I'm now 8 weeks post treatment. I have had aching bones/joints since towards the end of treatment but this is not getting any better. I mentioned it to my Oncologist at my 6 week review but he didn't really comment. 

I ache and am stiff all over - includes knees, hips, back, shoulders, elbows and fingers. Going down steps I can only do by clinging onto the handrail and one by one. After sitting I am so stiff I can barely stand but once I get going I'm ok. 

When sitting my legs ache - like toothache.

Has anyone else had whatever this is and when does it start to improve?

Exercise makes it worse!

Thank you in advance


  • FormerMember


    The aching and stiffness is normal and one of the longer term side effects of radiotherapy. I’m afraid the aching might stick around for a while, the recovery from this treatment can be quite long I’m afraid. As my oncologist said “you’ve done the sprint now its the marathon"

    Not wishing to alarm you, as we all recover differently, but I’m exactly 12 months post treatment today and still ache. I too wonder when /if it will come to an end. However, over the last 12 months things have definately improved slowly.

    The aching started in my knees and legs about 6 weeks after treatment ended. Many a time my whole body ached, like I'd done a full-on aerobics session at the gym. I found walking up stairs difficult, my legs felt weak and I’d be getting out of breath just climbing the stairs. I found it hard to kneel and to cross my legs. It felt like the aching was muscular.

    Over the last year this has eased. I rarely ache all over but my legs continue to ache, I’m constantly rubbing them. When ever I sit, I’m slow and stiff getting out of the chair. I raise this at every appointment and am always told to be patient and to do weight bearing exercise. My oncologist never appears concerned by what I’m describing.

    I understand what you mean about the exercise making things worse. I felt like that for a few months however, now the exercise definitely helps me to feel more flexible and lighter. I exercise every day yoga, jogging or aerobics. The radiation damages our bodies and we have to build them back up again.

    Remember that the radiotherapy is accumulative so is working right now and will remain in your system for up to 12 months. I can’t have any left in my system now and I don’t notice the aching as much as I did 6 months ago, so maybe there a correlation there?

    I have a lot of Epsom salt baths and I take CBD oil which definitely takes the edge off the aching for me.

    I hope that’s re-assured you a little, I appreciate it can be quite draining to live with. It will get better but slowly.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Sarah

    Its so frustrating! One thing I have learnt on this journey is the cancer takes charge unfortunately. I had planned on getting my fitness back when I finished treatment but there is no way! Plans out the window! 

    I have put on 7 pounds since finishing treatment and I was overweight to start with. My appetite has been huge and I feel hungry all the time. 

    Feeling hungry and not able to exercise isn't a good combination. 

    Do you remember how far post treatment you were before exercise became beneficial Sarah? 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Its very frustrating. All the focus is on the treatment and once its ends you expect to recover quickly but its not the case. Various side effects can linger.

    I lost a lot of weight during treatment so when I felt well again, my appetite came back with a vengeance and over the Summer I well and truly enjoyed all the food/drink I’d missed. As a result I put all the weight back on and some.

    I started exercising about 3 months post treatment in October ‘18. I began by doing couch to 5k. It was a killer, very slow and my legs ached even more. I was very hit and miss, some weeks I just couldn’t be bothered because I ached so much. In January I started to do yoga and I’d say from end of Feb I noticed that it was helping, I felt more flexible. I’d alternative jogging then yoga to stretch everything out. From April, I started an aerobics class and whilst it was hard at first, I now really feel the benefit from this type of exercise.

    Its hard to say exactly when I felt the benefit but from January ’19 I was more consistent, so I’d say after 3 months later I was feeling the benefits.

    I also started taking CBD oil from January, consistently x3 a day, and really feel this has also helped.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sarah. Thats brilliant that you had the confidence and grit to tackle couch to 5k. Even having done three Triathalons in my healthier days I don't think I could consider that.

    I have however taken a step forward. I have just booked (and paid for) 2 yoga classes at my local leisure centre. One tomorrow and the second one a week later. Eeeeeek!!!!  Will let you know how they go........

    Thank you as always - hoping I don't embarrass myself - my body isn't my own at the moment!!!! 

    Please could you let me know which CBD oil you use.


  • Hi Hopefulat46

    I am 10 months post treatment and like yourself and many others I struggle with aching and stiffness. Mine has eased up now that I get regular exercise, however if I over do it, I know about it.  I do Hitt and yoga and they are helping a lot, but  I am still very stiff when I sit for along time. I’m ok once I get going. 

     I started exercising at about 3 month post treatment! It’s great that you’ve booked your first couple of yoga sessions, it really will make a difference, but it will take time, don’t expect to much at first. 

    Good luck for tom

    Speak soon 

    Crystal x x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Thanks but its been frustratingly slow. It’s taken me 6 months to build up to jogging, not running, for 20 mins. I can’t seem to get past that. I get so tired these days its very annoying. I’m doing Race for Life on the 7th July so I think I’ve done enough to get myself round.

    Yoga can take a while to get to grips with, the poses and terminology but stick with it and I’m positive you’ll notice a difference. I love yoga I can’t imagine it not being part of my weekly routine now. There’s also loads of brilliant apps that you can follow at home. 

    I always make sure I have a coffee 45 mins before a class, help move things along if you know what I mean! and a cough in the right sometimes might be needed!

    Are you on Facebook? I buy my oil from an old work colleague its called Maxx4. She has a great Facebook page full of testimonials. Its not cheap. The bottle I buy lasts a month and costs £48. There are many other places you can buy it from, I’m sure you’ll do some research online. 


    Good luck with the yoga, as Crystal says don’t expect anything too soon but stick with it. 


  • Hi Sarah

    Congratulations on being 12 month post treatment!

    Another milestone achieved!

    Crystal x x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Crystal T

    Ahhh thanks

    Its been a funny couple of days, I’m grateful to have reached the milestone but I’m feeling rather reflective and emotional. Its very surreal remembering  how different things were 12 months ago. It almost feels like it didn’t happen, or happened to someone else, if you know what I mean. I have a check-up looming which doesn’t help either!

    What a difference a year makes, I am truly grateful.


  • Hi Sarah, 

    I feel exactly the same, it is the strangest feeling. I actually cannot believe what I went through and like yourself, I am truly grateful. Funny enough I had this conversation with my husband and he feels the same. He said it’s very surreal! I’m definitely different as a person! I do notice everything now and take nothing for granted! 

    Sending very best wishes

    Crystal x x x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Crystal T

    Yes, congrats Sarah on the 12 month goalpost.

    I went to Yoga this morning, it was good most of the time. A little uncomfortable sometimes and some of the poses were impossible, especially with a fractured toe lol. At the end we all lay on our backs in the dark whilst the teacher told a story and the lady next to me fell asleep and started not only to snore very loudly, but to snort too!! 

    I had to stop myself wetting myself through trying not to laugh. I just hope the others realised it was not me!!
