3 weeks 4 days post treatment and I've fractured my toe!!!!

  • 2 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi there

Not posted for a while as I was enjoying improving everyday and had even tentatively arranged a return to work date of 17th June. Unfortunately, whilst tidying this morning, there was a  bang wallop cWearyack! Smacked my little toe on a door this morning and I cant walk. Again! ARGGGHHHHHH. Its all shades of pink red and purple at the moment. Oh well, it takes my mind off my derier for the time beinWearyWearyg. Whilst I may have returned to wearing knickers, now I cant wear shoes!!

  • At the risk of appearing inappropriate & uncaring this made me lol!!!  

    I really am sorry about your incident with your toe but as they say god moves in mysterious ways & you’ve been  given something else to think about other than your poor bottom! 

    It’s good to hear your back to wearing knickers again & on a serious note that you’re feeling well enough to begin, although tentatively, making plans to return to work. I returned to work approximately 6 weeks post treatment & felt this was a milestone for myself in my recovery & definitely brought a bit of normality & routine back into what had been a pretty turbulent few months. 

    I hope you’re doing well healing from your treatment & hope the toe heals quickly too!! 


  • FormerMember

    Hi there - sorry like Nicola my warped sense of humour found this hilarious Rofl they say the universe has a way of telling you what you need to know - it obviously thinks you need a bit more time off work to rest and recuperate ! 

    Take it easy and hope everything is healing beautifully 

     a word of caution though - did you not know that housework is bad for your health ?! 


    ps is the commando trend something I need to be aware of ?