anal cancer

  • 48 replies
  • 39 subscribers
I have just been diagnosed with anal cancer; not yet started treatment. I believe this is relatively rare cancer. Anyone out there wanting to talk about it?
  • FormerMember
    hi i was diagnosed with rectal cancer 8 weeks ago i am starting treatment on tuesday i am haveing a 5 week course of chemorad ,and a drug through a drip called oxaliplatin which i will have only twice once at the begining and once at the end of treatment ,i am also haveing chemo tablets which are capecitabine,and radiation to shrink the tumor in my bottom i have had a lot of pain in my bottom which i have been told will get better when i start the radiation if you would like to no anything else let me no ,i have all tests mri ,ct ,colonoscopy,liver scan,mri for liver and my cancer is all contained at the moment in my bottom ,when do you start treatment ? have you had all these tests ?
  • FormerMember
    Can you tell me a little about your history? Is it due to hpv virus? (I have this) and are you a smoker, or immnocompromised? I have asked many doctors to screen me for this, and I get the line, "we don't do that". Any input will be appreciated! I wish you the best recovery!
  • FormerMember
    Dear Tracey, have just looked up your chemo drugs as they are different from mine (how possessive that sounds!). Have you had surgery to remove the tumour? Oncologist hopes my chemorad. will shrink the cancer/destroy the cells so maybe no surgery. I don't know you but feel for you; keep strong. Evelyn
  • FormerMember
    Dear Shauna, thnx for your reply (3/10). I gave up smoking yrs ago and have been in good health all my life except for a ruptured ovarian cyst (benign) decades ago. You are obviously very worried or you would not be visiting this site. Have you had tests? CT or MRI scans or colonoscopy? Do speak to your doctor. I had no symptoms other than feeling dizzy and tired for months (put down to the menopause), then diarrhoea and fresh blood on toilet paper few weeks before I saw the GP. If you have any symptoms, do act; it's your life. Evelyn
  • FormerMember
    Hi Marie, hope your mother is through with all treatment now and OK? I too have been warned about the fatigue - so many ghastly side effects in the offing!
    Starting my chemorad. treatment 24 Oct and am frankly terrified also about long-term side effects (possible damage to hip/pelvic bones). I know whatever will be, will be but it difficult to be philosophical when you are "offering up" a healthy body except for the tumour I sit on, but must keep positive. Best wishes to your mother, for a continuing recovery. Evelyn
  • FormerMember
    Dear Tracey, as I write this you will be nearly finishing your course of treatment; so hope all went ok for you? Am starting my 6 wks tomorrow (24/10).
    Very best wishes to you in what is still to come.
  • FormerMember
    21.11.07 Hello! I too have just been diagnosed with anal cancer with spread to lymph glands in groin. I've been taking Adalumumab (Humira) for Rheumatoid Arthritis - anyone else on this drug? Think I'll be on chemorad. so would really like to hear of anyone who is going through / has gone through this treatment. Thanks and good luck!
  • FormerMember
    Hi to everyone currently going through anal cancer diagnosis, treatment or the aftermath. I was diagnosed with a very aggressive anal cancer (squamous cell) in early 2004 and successfully treated (operation followed by chemo and radiotherapy) between February and April that year. I had follow-up biopsy operations every six months for 2 years to check there was no regrowth. I am pleased to say there wasn't and in February this year I was signed off by my oncologist. What a red letter day that was! I will continue to see a colo-rectal surgeon for annual checkups until 2009. Just want you all to know that someone else has been through this and come out the other side and that I am well and positive and enjoying life. If I can be of any help as you go through treatment please let me know. I am happy to answer questions as best I can. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
  • FormerMember
    Hi Veronica.
    I also have got Anal cancer . Have had tests and am now due to start Chemo and rad on the 17th of Dec. My treatment was held up because of moving home and the new people did not forward my mail even though I told them about it and how urgent it was .
    I was also on Humira for a year , Never felt it worked but my hip OA now bone on bone and can not have have hip op ,which should have had weeks before but not had due to the Rhumatology nurse not sending referal, So got both problems, She also in charge of Humira trails . all best wishes and hope your treatment works well.
  • FormerMember
    Hi Pamela. How did your first day of chemo and radiotherapy go yesterday? What a tough way to spend Christmas. Thinking of you. Caroline.