reoccurred cancer

  • 17 replies
  • 39 subscribers

I have posted previously regarding reoccurrence of cancer during recovery from dual therapy 

I seen the consultant and Surgeon regarding my Mri result. 

Consulant told me at the  MDT meeting the radiologist said the option that it could be a ulcer from Radiotherapy( I finished Radiotherapy end feb) could  re scan in couple months. 

Consultant said he is concerned and wanted to see me. 

Examined by both him and Surgeon.  Decision was made  for biopsy in couple weeks to see 100% before next steps can be decided. 

If cancer the surgery will he removal of anus and remove whatever else is affected and stoma fitted. I understand this is a huge surgery. I got a good 4 weeks before I'll know so anxiously got to wait this out again. 

Jinnie x


I finished chemo radiotherapy end Feb 2023 Regrowth seen in MRI June. 

Biopsies EUA & HRA RESULTS.  It's cancer again !  The plan is surgery but until a new petscan and ct scan unsure how much is to taken away. Surgeon informed me this is major surgery they so far are planning to take some bowel & anus fitting me with a colostomy bag, skin graft off my tummy to make a flap. This is to be done Sept if the plastic surgeon is next available (we only have 1 surgeon in south Wales to do this) 

Lots to take on board and processing this is massive. How the hell did I get to this stage. I had stage 1 which could hardly be seen on MRI. Brutal chemo radiotherapy didn't kill all cells and now this. Scared and very anxious but trying to make most of days before surgery. 

  • Oh Jinnie, I'm at a loss for words. What a blow. I can only imagine how you're reeling.

    Are you on the stoma message board here? I'm sure they'll be very helpful. 

    Holding you in my heart


  • Jinnie, I’m am so sorry to hear your news. This disease is really not nice and so sad that you have to wait so long. I just cannot believe how a country like ours lack the surgeons needed. Suz has suggested looking on the stoma site which will give you support and more information. We are all here for you.


  • Jinnie

    I am so so sorry that you are facing this, especially after the chemo/radiotherapy route which is normally very effective.  But that is absolutely no consolation to you now.  It is a huge thing to process and I am hoping you have lots of support, I would be very scared and anxious too.  I very much hope that the surgery goes ahead in September and you will free of this once and for all.

    Sending big hugs, Jinnie, we are all wishing the best possible outcome for you.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Ritebred

    thank you for the advice I will take a look at the stoma support page. X 

  • I’m so sorry to be reading this news  , it must have been so unexpected especially with being diagnosed as early as stage 1 plus going through treatment also, it really goes to show we can’t take anything for granted doesn’t it? If you haven’t visited the stoma support group already here’s the link Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma support , you’ll get some good advice & support over there regarding the stoma surgery & we have a couple of ladies here that have recently undergone APR surgery.

    Please know that we’re here to support you however we can.

    Thinking of you. 


  • Hi Jinnie,I haven’t been on this site for a while,literally was just going to post and came across yours .. looks like we are in the same boat together! .. First diagnosis back in 2020,Cemoradiotherapy etc and the all clear!.Fast forward more checks,been experiencing a lot of pain.Had examination under anaesthetic,biopsies taken from a large mass if scar tissue from Radiotherapy.Found the little b**** hiding in there! Stage 1 in just that one area…. So Colostomy and the aptly named Barbie butt surgery on the 8th September.

    Such a lot to get your head around isn’t it .. Every morning I wake up and think is this really happening?! 
    Sending you the biggest hug Hugging

    Sharon x

  • Hi  , as with Jinnie I’m so sorry that you’re having to face a reoccurrence of this damn disease!!

    As I’ve said on my reply above we’ve a couple of people that have recently had APR surgery & a couple of others that have had the surgery some time ago. Once you wrap your head around it all try & remember that there is life after this surgery, people go on to lead full active lives, although that is sometimes easier said than done I know as I’m not the one facing it. 

    Know that we’re here to support you however we can. Wishing you the very best of luck for the 8th. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way. 


  • Hello, really sorry you're having to start all over again with another round of treatment.  You might find some useful info if you search for "low rectal cancer" on the bowel forum as that is what i thought I had originally when they first found my polyp on the colonoscopy, and the op that you're now facing is the standard treatment for rectal cancer if it's low down.  Sending you big hugs x

  • Sharon

    I am so sorry you are also facing this, you must have been thinking you had got rid of this after all this time.  I hope everything goes well in your surgery, we will all be thinking of you.

    And please do come back and let us know how you are, even if it is just to let off steam - there is always a listening ear.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Ruby1969

    So sorry to be reading your news of reoccurring after 2 years. 

    Well considering this is supposed to be a Rare cancer with 95% curable rate, there appears to be more people out there than the stats show. 

    It's definitely a scary time all types things going through my head.

    I'm waiting for my Pet scan and ct scan to see how much they have to remove then they can book me in. Surgeon told me they don't stage this. It's called a reoccurring cancer so not sure how much is there yet but I can say its an angry b......d now much more painful than 1st one last November/December. 

    I do think is this really happening, is it bad dream where is my life going I'm not in control anymore.

    Sending big Welsh cwtchHeartbeat