Cancer cells found

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Last years treatmwnt went well and given all clear.  when a lump appeared in my groin at Christmas i was worried. Biopsy showed cancer cells in my lymph node. Cry

Had an mri scan yesterday so when I see the oncologist this Thursday for a more accurate diagnosis i will be better informed but i am now scared.

This was my fear, that it would pop up again and be more serious. 

  • Hi Louise, oh you are on your way now. You have your planning scan so thats good and your treatment date will soon come round.

    Don't stress, things cant be done just now unfortunately.

    Yes I had anal cancer. They found cells in march and started treatment 19 April so like you a months wait or so. I doubt it will spread so fast in the time especially if you've not been told its fast acting?

    Although i was officially found as having cancer cells in March i had a lump or concern way way before, maybe even upto 6 months or more.

    You acted early, dont worry xx

  • Thinking of you, love Louise xxxxx

  • Hi  ,

    It seems like a never ending battle with your emotions doesn’t it? It really is a rollercoaster!! Hopefully your case will be discussed if not yesterday then next Thursday & you’ll know what’s what. I remember throughout my diagnosis I felt so sick the whole time I didn’t sleep, I also lost quite a bit of weight because I wasn’t eating I literally had no appetite, I now know that was all down to stress & worry. I’ve everything crossed that you get some news soon. 


  • Hi Kitkat, still thinking of you xxxx

    i start my treatment 21/02/2022 will keep you updated. 

  • Aww thankyou 1996. I will be thinking of you aswell. It will soon come round. Have you had your pre planning scan?

  • Yeah had my pre planning scan on Monday just passed. They have to do one more check of the pre planning and that’s me good to go. Dreading the cemo/ radiation. I’m in a lot of pain at present, pain in back and in bum, tried just takin* paracetamol and ibuprofen every 2 hours swapping them around didn’t work so have now respirated to the 500mg of Solpadol x2 every 6 hours. The Solpadol make me get itchy but it keeps away the pain. 

    Hopefully the pain will decrease when I start the treatment, Do you have any suggestions that you could give me the heads up on? Xxxxx love Louise. 

  • Hi  Louise, 

    I too worried about my treatment not starting right away but my oncologist explained that the planning scan takes time to read and they have to then interpret that into what is absolutely the best plan for you. He told me it takes up to two working weeks for this to be done as it’s so intricate and MUST be right. They have to plan how the laser will kill all the bad cells in the best way whilst preserving all the good cells so you’re not damaged irreparably (or as little as possible). You only get one chance at this so it’s worth the wait, so that really reassured me I was getting the best treatment. 

    Of course meanwhile I was imagining my tumours (I had two) growing out of control in this two weeks! It wasn’t the case. I was absolutely fine. Just control your pain regularly and get some anti anxiety on board. I find Kalms pills that you buy over the counter are fantastic but GP will also happily prescribe you something if you need it. They are there to make this journey easier for us in any way they can. 

    Don’t suffer in silence, just explain anything you need and they will take care of it. It’s a worrying time. They totally understand that. 

    For the itchy you can take Piriton which also has a calming effect! 

    Have a good day everyone (I’ve hidden my mints away!!! No more mints for naughty me until my scans are done!!!) 

    Joy xx 

  • Hi Louise just read your comments and just wanted to say that when I took solpadol it made me very constipated. Please take some form of stool softener to help keep everything comfortable. Everyone is different and some softeners just gave me stomache and I took movicol. I was also dreading starting treatment but once you get started you have lots of tips and support from your team and us of course! Good luck 

  • You guys are just wonderful. Xxxxxx

  • Hi Louise (),

    I don’t have any further advice where pain relief is concerned other than asking your treating team for other suggestions but on the subject of waiting for your treatment start date coming around I would advise if you’re not in too much pain to do so use this time for preparation. Try & keep yourself busy. Like everyone I was dreading treatment! While I was waiting for my start date coming around after taking lots of advice from this group I prepped loads! I batched cooked meals to pop in the freezer for days when I didn’t feel much like cooking, I made a ‘to watch’ list from Netflix, Prime etc., I bought some puzzle books & a couple of the therapeutic colouring books & some nice colouring pencils, I did some online shopping for comfy loose fitting clothes & got myself some Epsom salts, a portable bidet & lots of pant liners etc. Hopefully you’ll soon get some relief once things start shrinking once your radiotherapy starts taking hold. 
