Cancer cells found

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Last years treatmwnt went well and given all clear.  when a lump appeared in my groin at Christmas i was worried. Biopsy showed cancer cells in my lymph node. Cry

Had an mri scan yesterday so when I see the oncologist this Thursday for a more accurate diagnosis i will be better informed but i am now scared.

This was my fear, that it would pop up again and be more serious. 

  • Bit poorly today, work ia stressful too so need to deal with that at some poimt. 

    Hows it going with you? 

  • The work is a nightmare, it’s bad enough have to deal with all of this never mind worrying about keeping a roof over your head and food on the table.

    i work as a temp so when I go of work will only get SSP which is awful, I don’t want to work whilst going through treatment as don’t want to worry about infections. 

    I Seen the oncologist today, meeting lasted 1:40 mins, they just went over everything, at one point I said, “ now you’ve scared the life out of me RoflI just laughed it of. I do understand that they have to go into details but it’s a bit much.

    I’m  getting mitomycin and fluoouraclin chemotherapy with radiotherapy for the treatment of anal cancer. 

    Mitomycin given intravenously on day 1 only and fluorouracil given by continuous intravenous infusion on days 1-4 and days 29-32

    my intended benefit is -curative.

    They said I would hopefully start my treatment in the next 3.5 weeks, I was shocked, the colour left my face, I said that is to long, this has been on going since I went to my doctors on the 22November 2021 buy the time I start treatment, it will be 3 months, I said I’m sorry this is not acceptable, and I would like it noted that I have said that. I said I thought I would be starting my treatment next week.

    i also said that it is a know fact that the U.K. has the worst outcomes for cancer in the whole of the EU. There is Hugh media attention about all of this.  They explained that it’s all the planning exct that causes all the delays and the most important part of the treatment is getting the planning right. They then brought in my consultant a Dr Phillips, who went further into detail about the planing of my treatment, he then asked for the letter to sign of there and then for my radiotherapy treatment, and they then said we will get your blood taken again and heart monitor done today. 

    Hopefully I will not have to wait 3.5 weeks now. I’m being desperately trying to be very positive about this and am getting myself prepared for my healing process. 

    Listen to Julia Hartley-Brewer, ( talk RADIO ) speaking this morning 25/01/2022 to Professor Carl Heneghan Oxford University. 

    Hope this isn’t to much information. I was upset today had to get it out. Love Louise xxxxx

  • Im still feeling unwell, i have a nagging stomach ache most days and my leg aches occasionally. 

    I see my oncologist tomorrowThinkingSlight frown. Scared x

  • I was thinking of you today at work, knowing you have you oncologist visit tomorrow, things will be getting on top of you with worry, I completely understand, I bet you feel like running away and not going to the meeting. I’ve felt like that with every appointment. I waken in the morning thinking I’m in a dream. The pain and feeling unwell are most likely because if anxiety, I take doloxatine for my anxiety as I suffer dredful pain when I’m anxious.

    I actually upped my dose when I found out I had cancer, it has really helped me.

    i would be a complete rack if I didn’t take it. 

    When your at your meeting tomorrow, please remember I’m with you. HeartsHeartsHeartsKissing heart
    Kissing heartKissing heart love Louise 

  • Thankyou Louise for your loveliness and kind words.

    Work before my appointment will keep my mind occupied lol. But still its always there at the back of your mind isnt it?

    Its a good point about being anxious   i know im stressed which isnt ideal but i dont medicate, that route is not for me. But certain days I do feel the physical symptoms of it.

    Ir will be good to know you are thinking about me x

  • Hi Kitkat, how are you doing, how did it go today. If you don’t want to talk about it I completely understand, I’m here if you need me. Love Louise xxxx

  • Hi Louise. Yes well i got a bit tearful actually. I have a cluster of cancer cells in my lymoh node however without my Mri scan results I have not been given a definitive answer. I need the scan to confirm if its just in node, in which surgery is the next step... An an urgent referral will be made. If it shows elsewhere then its more serious, no grading or staging done. 

    When i had my cancer last year i could feel the lump and it almost felt it was like outside of me, whereas this feels like its in me if you get what i mean. Thats what i told the oncologist.

    So despite today I still feel in flux and with a short reprieve almost. Nees to stay positive xx

  • Hi Kitkat, Jesus what a lot for you to take in, this is awful wish they had had your MRI results so they could give you more information, you will be like me, just get it done, sorted,  out of me. It’s all the waiting and having no answers that play mind games with us all it’s friggin torture. 

    I got my letter today to go for my CT scan on Monday for the radiotherapy planning, then I start my treatment on the 21/02/2022. That’s 3 months since I visited my doctor, which I think is absolutely ridiculous.

    Was your cancer in the anus, mine is left side at the opening of my anus, did you get the same treatment as I’m getting, just to compare. How long did you wait from your doctor to treatment starting.

    Im trying to think what to say, it’s you that’s having to deal with all of this, all I can say and I mean this, is I’m with you all the way. Love Louise xxxxx  Kissing heart

  • Hi ,

    It’s such a shame your MRI results weren’t available for your appointment yesterday! I know with my original diagnosis I was told my biopsy results & diagnostic scans would be reviewed in an MDT meeting where my oncologist, surgeon, a radiographer etc., would discuss the reports & make a decision as to which course of treatment should be offered, at my treating hospital these MDT meetings took place each Wednesday. Maybe this is what they’re waiting for? General surveillance scans can take around 2 weeks to be reported on but diagnostic scans are processed much quicker so hopefully you’ll hear something really soon & you can get on with some form of treatment. I understand how difficult & stressful this time must be & this can affect concentration etc., but try & keep yourself occupied by doing something you enjoy & try & stay positive as you say. I hope you hear something back very soon. 


  • Thankyou for your words. Yes it was a bit deflating that I could only get half the story, but i guess i cant do anything about it. Just keep waiting.

    Im feeling ill again today which doesnt help. You are right that i need to remain positive ~ im doing my best but im def in a low mood and what with tje weather etc not getting out or any exercise is more a concern sometimes Park️Slight frown

    My MDT meetings are Thursday so maybe just maybe ill know very soon xx