New here, looking for a friend

  • 2 replies
  • 3 subscribers

Hi everyone, this is my first message here. I am female patient 18 years old was diagnosed with ALL when I was 16 can hit remission however my ALL relapsed and I want abroad for a stem cell transplant everything went well except I had to get a colostomy put during my salvage chemo. However when it was finally time to return my stoma I got lymph nodes and got a biopsy done and it was non hodgkins lyphoma high grade. 

I'm not looking for any pity or anything I was just wondering if there was anyone my age to talk with it can even only be text cause of the chemo I get tired easily. I just feel really alone like nobody understands me and all my friends are in uni or drinking, learning to drive,partying and doing other things and I feel like there's nothing in common with them  anymore and all they do is pity me cause its my 3 time now with cancer and that's most definitely not helping with my mentle health. So if you are a teen or young adult even just sending tiktoks is okay I just tired of living trapped in my brain and this body and everyone around me is achieving their dreams.

  • Hi Sounds like you have had a tough time and you are still battling on. I am 53 so a lot older than you. There are some parents who have posted about their children who are a similar age to you so maybe they may be able to connect you.

    With regards to the non Hodgkin's lymphoma you can also try posting in that forum by clicking HERE


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  • Hi Paul1969 thanks very much I'll check it out