Travel Insurance and blood transfusion

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

I have prostate cancer stage 4 diagnosed May 21 withPSA count 7.1 now latest 0.13. Receiving hormone therapy. Obtained one year Travel insurance cover with insurance with following full screening with £310 premium. On 10 Jan had blood transfusion with (to deal with tiredness). Contacted insurancewith (part of TIFgrouo) to update my condition “anaemia” condition. Change accepted until I mentioned the blood transfusion and as it was less than 4 weeks before visiting Paris (1 Feb) this raised a ‘flag’ and was referred to underwriter. Shockingly cover was withdrawn and apparently policy cover also withdrawn. 
Had the bloodtransfusion been more than 4 weeks I believe the updating of my condition would have been accepted. 
Clearly being honest and open has disadvantaged me. 
I will need to find cover from another provider. Any help would be welcome

Phil H

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I don't have the same cancer as you but have just got insurance with for both myself and my husband. I've only just finished treatment for breast cancer and my husband has a pre-existing medical condition (non-cancerous) and they've covered us both.

    You could also have a look at the recommendations in the 'recommended travel insurance' thread as it's where you'll find the majority of recommendations. You might also want to look at this thread as it includes a link to a Travel Insurance Directory. 

    Most people recommend that it's best to phone the insurance companies rather than try and do online quotes as often at the end of the online quote it will tell you to phone the company and you'll then have to go through all the information again. Also, sometimes the broker can refer to the underwriters to see if they would provide cover when an online quote might just give you a straight refusal. 

    Do come back and let us know how you get on


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