Travel Insurance for Multiple Myeloma patients

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Anybody suffering from Multiple Myeloma (which is classed as terminal) been able to find travel Insurance. I am hoping to go on a weeks cruise to Norway next April for a week and struggling to find an Insurance company. Its that word 'Terminal' Even though it could be many years, I hope, before it becomes terminal. I was diagnosed three years ago. 

  • Hi Jacquesthelad and welcome to the forum.

    I have inserted a link which will take you to the thread for travel insurance and populated by others who like you have tried to get insurance and have some reommndations which they have shared with us so hopefully maybe one of these will be of help to you.

    travel insurance just click the link . xx


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  • Hi  I just came across your post and wanted to highlight our dedicated Myeloma Support Group where you can connect with others 'living life' with the same condition.

    I was diagnosed with an Incurable Blood Cancer back in 1999 and I asked my consultant if this was "Terminal'...... he said "well eventually..... but incurable does not automatically mean terminal when it comes to blood cancers and I am definitely not giving you a sell by date"

    I think you may well be using the wrong language when talking with insurance companies.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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