Worldwide trip cover needed .annual.

  • 6 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Had womb cancer 2020. Removed. Only see oncologist for checks..all clear now for 3 years . Want insurance to go for a few trips plus special one to Australia.  So far only got quote from staysure for 800 ounfs..yikes 

 So oncologist suggested seeing if anyone can reccomend a insurance that covers everything but says dome of her patients have done that 

 Can anyone advise anyone, or anyone where maybe I can get a better quote than stsysure with it including cancer

.thank you.. just joined and having difficulty on how to search site 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    That sounds like you have a few great trips planned. Unfortunately, as you have found, it can be more difficult to find reasonably priced travel insurance when there's been a cancer diagnosis.

    Have you had chance to look at the recommendations in the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet? If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. You might also want to look at this thread as it includes a link to a Travel Insurance Directory. 

    Most people recommend that it's best to phone the insurance companies rather than try and do online quotes as often at the end of the online quote it will tell you to phone the company and you'll then have to go through all the information again. Also, sometimes the broker can refer to the underwriters to see if they would provide cover when an online quote might just give you a straight refusal. 

    Do come back and let us know how you get on


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi.. thank you.. I looked at the links  but as its late Friday I'm going to attack them Monday  and see what what 

     I'm really interested on what my oncogist suggested  though as I have no cancer now..gone..but of course check ups as precaution.  

    I would love to understsnd if the insurance but minus cancer cover is the specific cancer you had or any cancer..its all a minefield.

  • Hi

    I've never tried to take travel insurance without it covering my cancer diagnosis so I can't recommend anyone or answer your question about whether it just covers the cancer you've been treated for or any cancer. It would be interesting to hear when you find out.

    Good luck on Monday


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Gabby

    I am recovering from the same as you, my treatment finished a few weeks ago. We were insured with Stay Sure last year and needed to claim for a cancelled holiday,  it took a while due to their backlog of covid claims but we did get a full refund.

    I  rang  lots of the  recommendations on this site for annual policy cover but found them more expensive than staysure.  in the end I went back to staysure for a quote. I think the secret is to ensure you remove things you no that you won't use, I removed skiing, water sports, cruises. My husband and I are both in our late 60's and are covered for world wide including Australia, USA and the Caribbean for alot less than you have been quoted.

    Avanti and Staysure are the same company, you could try Michael below, he was so helpful, he will be able to see what stay sure quoted you on his screen but you could ask him to quote you again removing anything you didn't want, cruising removed alone saved us £100 for example.  

    Try Micheal Wilson 08082814392 Extn 7357 

    Good luck I know how stressful it is, we too want to visit Australia in the new year. Let us know how it goes.

    Robin x

  • Thank you so much Robin..  maybe the staysure agent put incorrect info in so I will ask again. The annoying thing is it was 3 years this December, all cancer was removed and I only had radiotherapy  because it was just slightly over 50%.. but was told catagorigly  that I am cancer free..all gone. Now all I want is to get away and start planning.  My oncogist who I see only for quick five minute checks  and all good said to try asking for Cover except cancer... and I saw her point.. I wouldn't travel if I had cancer  and the chances of being diagnosed on holiday are nil

    I'm planning on ringing round lots later today... good luck with your journey on cancer. I know I'm one of the lucky ones. Xx 

  • Hi Gabby

    Iam so pleased that you have had such a positive outcome with your diagnosis.  I thought because I have literally finished my Chemo and Brachy radiotherapy they would charge me a lot more bit it only worked out about £200 more than last years Gold cover annual. Like I said above Micheals number is for Avanti but equally if he picks up the phone it could be a stay sure number. I would just say to him your stay sure quote was extortionate. (he will be able to see what you were quoted) it's worth asking to if they insure minus the cancer.

    Good luck abd I hope you get sorted and can book a well deserved holiday soon xx