do I need to declare my breast cancer?

  • 4 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March last year.  I had lymph node clearance and radiotherapy, but fortunately did not need chemo.  Although I am still taking Anastrazole and Ibandronic Acid, I have been discharged from the hospital with no further treatment planned.  Do I need to declare this when looking for travel insurance?  I am aware that if I become ill with anything that may relate to cancer whilst away I would not be covered but am wondering if I would be unwise not to include the information about my breast cancer history?  What have others done??  Thank you.  Karen 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community

    That's great news that you haven't needed chemotherapy for your breast cancer and you've been discharged from hospital with no further treatment planned other than the meds that you are taking.

    I was diagnosed with melanoma just over 5 years ago and was fortunate not to need further treatment after the original excision, although I've had 3 monthly check-ups. Since my diagnosis I've been fortunate to have several holidays and have always declared my cancer if asked. Usually the question goes something like "have you had any treatment in hospital in the last (2 or 5) years?" If the question is in the last 5 years then I have to say 'yes' but if it says in the last 2 years then I say 'no'. 

    I think if you choose to say 'no' when it should have been 'yes' and then have to claim, your claim may be declined as you have not disclosed your pre-existing medical condition. It wouldn't matter even if the claim was nothing to do with the breast cancer they could still refuse to pay because you have not answered the questions correctly when taking out the insurance.

    Although travel insurance is usually more expensive when you've had cancer many people have still found affordable cover by shopping around. I don't know if you've had chance to look through the recommended travel insurance thread yet, as it's where the majority of recommendations from other forum members are. If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. You might also want to look at this thread as it includes a link to a Travel Insurance Directory.

    Most people here have found that it's best to phone the insurance companies rather than try and do online quotes as often at the end of the online quote it will tell you to phone the company and you'll then have to go through all the information again. Also sometimes the broker can refer to the underwriters to see if they would provide cover when an online quote might just give you a straight refusal. 

    Let us know how you get on


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  • Thank you for taking the time to reply, I do appreciate it.  I have had a look and the on line quote is just an additional £40, which is fine.  As you say, I wouldn't want an unrelated claim to be denied because I had not stated yes to having a pre-existing condition.  Thanks again Slight smile

  • No problem and it's good to hear that it's only cost you £40 to declare your pre-existing medical condition.

    Have a lovely holiday Slight smile

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • You must tell them about your recent problems or you will not be covered for anything on your holidays I know it’s a pain answering all the questions but be honest and I’m sure you will be fine as you are not having chemo Ihave had problems with getting insurance for many years as ihave been battling this dreadful cancer for 26years and mine has spread to bones .liver lungs. Lymph nodes and now worst of all for ma my bowel .waiting to see if I can have a reversal as I am in desperate need of a holiday or break as I’m sure I won’t get insurance this time Have used Insurewith  and have always had a reasonable price .We always insurers as a couple and if you don’t disclose all your problems your partner will not be covered either if you had to claim at all Good luck and enjoy your holidays