‘New site’ ARGH!!!!!!

  • 72 replies
  • 20 subscribers

This ‘new site‘ makes me want to scream!!!!!!!

i can’t find stuff, threads are not listed, they don’t show all comments either, no logic at all!!!!!


  • I honestly think Admin should revert to the old site until they have sorted out this monstrosity, its totally dysfunctional. 


  • Hi Moomy

    The following text that you sent to this thread has come to me at least 6 times!.

    I’m beginning to wonder what ever gets done in ‘down’ time" 

    can you please help?

    It's crazy indeed 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I agree, it has gone on too long


    Love life and family.
  • Yet another pesky ‘un-fix’;

    I used to be able to see how many posts have been made on a thread on my phone - no longer! It’s bad enough that the type face is so small (especially in the box that you type into) but to have less information too? 
    oh dear, Admin, what HAVE you left us, your customers/users with? Surely if there are as many as 30% of your customers who are unhappy (that’s assuming they haven’t already left in disgust) then you need to take serious notice? 
    I certainly would take serious notice with the figures of ‘satisfaction’ you say you have as it’s really not that good? I would have thought you need a good 85%+ satisfaction rating to be happy to sit back and let it sort itself out! 


  • So; today’s fix is supposed to have introduced a ‘burger-style’ header to fix the p/ms - yes the header is indeed there on my mobile BUT the drop down menu has no mention of p/ms! Yet another non-fix - oh what a surprise! (Sorry I’m such a cynic!) 


  • , I have never had Post numbers on my phone, Instill cannot do PMs on my phone, I am sick of being sent to the beginning of the thread every time I try to find a post, I’m sick of ‘you’ve gone offline’, of posts being jumbled up and repeated in the wrong place, of disappearing pic icons, and the fact that people are leaving and the site is much less busy. They have done VERY LITTLE despite our repeated feedback. Grrrrrr!! Xx

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

  • I also hate the stupid ‘vote’ buttons, too small, and difficult to see who has liked a post. Want the like button back! I hate the stupid Samaritan pop up too. It makes me feel worse. RageRage

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

  • Moomy

    The post that I was telling you about a few days ago has reappeared to me 3 times today. The same one! Aaargh!

    When I came in to send you this, I found about 7 posts that I didn't know were here

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I also find the ‘orange’ numbers instructing me what posts I haven’t read only seem to apply to some of the groups I’m a member of, that means that unless I check by going to groups, I miss stuff! That’s so annoying, and means some folk may not get replies in good time. And then they won’t go away when I HAVE read.....and they don’t lead me to the latest mention either?!?!? 


  • And I’ve managed to get the site to misbehave in the MOST ANNOYING WAY!!!

    you post, then want to post again and it comes up with what you’ve already typed!!!!
