‘New site’ ARGH!!!!!!

  • 72 replies
  • 20 subscribers

This ‘new site‘ makes me want to scream!!!!!!!

i can’t find stuff, threads are not listed, they don’t show all comments either, no logic at all!!!!!


  • I STILL hate the new site, it is still laborious to move around between groups so I post much less in different groups. I still hate scrolling through all the comments to get to the new ones. I hate that the previously very active incurables group is dying on it's arse because sick people don't have the patience to battle the system every time they want to post or support someone. I hate that stupid pop up box that keeps trying to show me how to search at the top and I tell it to go away every time I come on, I wish it would die. I hate that I have to log on every time as it won't remember me if I go off the page.

    I could go on, I spend more and more time on Bowel Cancer UK or facebook groups, such a shame.


    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.
  • Nicky, you’re one of many having problems with this site. It is hard to use and a poor reflection on the good work that MacMillan do elsewhere. I don’t believe that MacMillan have the skill sets to fix it. Either that or they’re happy to see it die. They’ve had tons of feedback over several months but can’t seem to move things forward. I haven’t seen any other commercial or charitable organisation tolerate a website anywhere near as dysfunctional as this one for so long. Who knows what the agenda is? But it can’t be to get this site fixed. 
