My mum

  • 4 replies
  • 15 subscribers


My mum has been diagnosed with leukaemia and has been given a maximum of 6 months to live. I can't get my head around it. I'm so sad! Has anyone any advice?

  • Hi just thought I would offer u a bit of support an let u know your not alone I am also going through this with my mum its just a different kind of cancer . I feel exactly like you I can not get my head around it but I keep hope and I pray an thats all we can do one day at a time . sending u best wishes an prayers to you and your mum x

  • Hi Monkeys, and welcome,  so sorry to hear about your mum, having looked after my mum who had  untreatable  lung cancer I know what an awful situation you find yourself in, my advice is for you to organise some support for your mum and yourself, you can ask you GP for a referral to the district nurses and the hospice and their palliative care team, please don't think the care team is for end of life only, they are not, they are there to make your mum comfortable  end as pain free as possible so she can make the most of the time she has and will support you as well,  the district nurse will help you with any equipment, supplies or specialist nurses your mum may need. Monkeys my mum was given 4 months and though I knew nothing about cancer most of the time we had was good, I would suggest you help your mum, if its safe, to be as independent as she can be, it will help her physical and mental health, my last piece of advice is don't forget to look after yourself as well, best wishes. 

    Eddie xx 

  • Ty sorry for the delay in replying I've been busy making memories with my mum. It's so hard not knowing what around the corner .


  • Hi Mary, please there's no need to apologise, I remember how difficult it is to care for your mum under these conditions, but it is nice to hear your making memories and hopefully many more, I found looking too far ahead always too painful and found living one day at a time helped us both make the most of our time and reduced the anxiety and negative thoughts and we could relax instead of feeling stressed and and i like to believe we made the most of the time we had, my best wishes to you and your mum.

    Eddie xx