Feeling hopeless

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My mam was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer. She went through chemotherapy and radiotherapy and was in remission until there were tumors found in her brain. She underwent surgery to remove one of the tumors which alleviated most of her symptoms. She was left with a smaller tumor which couldn't be operated on. She went through chemo again, but didn't work and the tumor grew. She has had targeted radiotherapy juat before christmas this year. My mams mood has been terribly low, which is understandle as she's also grievg for a couple of losses. She regrets having treatment (which I think is wild because she wouldn't be here otherwise. The docs have already said so). And why would you say things like this to your children?. She can be quite hurtful with some of the things she says. I've known people to have a new lease of life and want to live everyday like it was their last. But not my mam. We know there are no more treatment options now and she is very difficult to be around, as I spend the next week after so sad about everything. I just dont know what to do. I've already suggested she speaks to a professional but she won't. She's very angry at everyone and is trying to push everyone away. 

  • Hi Cowsox

    My husband has also had a brain tumor removed back in Sept and has also had radiotherapy finished just before xmas due to start chemo this week, he also wishes he hadnt had it done and I wish we had considered it with a little more thought. I dont believe we asked enough questions around it we just thought if docs are telling us this is the best option then we should just go with it. They expect regrowth within the next 2 years which we didnt know at the time it may have stopped us going ahead with the op in the first place. I thought too it would have given him a new lease of life and he would want to make memories with me and the kids but instead it has made his world so small. He too lashes out and says god awful stuff and then pretends like nothing has happened, but we cant unhear it can we? Its sooooo hard and I honestly dont know how people cope but here we are putting one foot in front of the other - we ARE doing it (even if it doesnt feel like it), I dont know how I cope sometimes I cry, I scream at him, I vent at friends and feel I must too be awful to be around but still people are here for us - Im glad you have come here it helps and I cant believe Im about to type this as I cant seem to take my own advice Joy But be patient and try too not let her words cut you too deeply Im sure she wont mean them - the days are up and down but we have to believe they will settle. Big hugs and chin up we are are stronger than we know xxx

  • It is awful. The operation she had worked great and alleviated nearly all of her symptoms. (They replicated vertigo, and she became house bound). The tumor was found 1 day and she was operated on the next. So never had time to really think about things. She was just getting back on her feet then she had a seizure which lasted 3 days and was in hospital. She's now on seizure medication. Some days are really positive but majority of the days they are quite dark. I mostly let them go over my head but the odd time it hurts and I cry for days on end on how 'crap' things are. And you're right it so much easier to give advice than to take it See no evil 

     Just have to take 1 day at a time. Its taken quite a lot for me to come on something like this because I never really 'needed' someone to talk to. I think some times it's easier to talk to strangers because I don't want to burden my friends or my family. Thank you for your reply xx