Dad with terminal bile duct cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi there,

My dad was recently diagnosed with terminal bile duct cancer. We have been told it’s not curable not treatable and he only has weeks or a few months left.  He says he doesn’t want to accept this (nor do I).  He wants to fight this and stay alive longer.  The hospital he was diagnosed at refuse to treat him with chemo or radiotherapy, even for pallative purposes.  They say he is too frail, any treatment would not be safe for him and to just let him die peacefully in comfort etc.  We have sought specialists advice also but to no avail.  My dad needs hope he can be treated but I can see it’s getting tough for him.  He has lost a lot of weight and is very weak, can barely walk.  He says he wants to live longer and keeps asking when he will get treated but then he is stubborn and doesn’t want to eat but just sleep all day, so is getting skinnier and weaker daily.  I feel helpless to help him.   It’s so sad and heartbreaking to see him deteriorate so quickly in the last few weeks.  What can I do to help him?  Any words of wisdom or advice? 

Thanks in advance.  

  • Hello Eagle28

    I have just read your post and am so sorry to read about the situation you find yourself in. We all want the best treatment for or family and friends, indeed we have a right to it.

    I am not a member of this forum (I am from the Prostate Cancer forum) but by me replying yo your post, as you have received no answers it will "bump" it back to the top of the forum and members will be able to read it again and give you the help you need.

    From personal experience at hospital when I have not been able to obtain the treatment I have needed I have called on the hospital PALS service (Patient Advice and Liaison Service). It may well be worth contacting the PALS service at your hospital with your concerns and seeing if they can push things forward for you.

    I hope the above helps and you have my best wishes.


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  • Durvalumab is an immunotherapy drug that has been used with some success for advanced billary duct cancer. I am also looking for treatments for my sister who has advanced but treatable stage 4 bile duct cancer. 
    Best of luck, I know how you feel 

  • Thank you so much for your reply.  I will try PALS.

  • Thank you Jules1170.  Durvalumab has not been mentioned to us by any doctors.  I will certainly ask them why this is not a possibility whether NHS or privately. All the doctors are very reluctant to treat my dad and keep saying he is too weak for any treatment, so basically just let him die.  He is fighting to stay alive every day but it so sad they they can't even give him any treatment or hope. 

  • Dendritic therapy is something else that I found for advanced cancers. I don’t know much about it, I’m just trying to find out as many treatments as possible. My sister is having chemo at the moment so we’re waiting to see how effective it is before we consider plan B.
    Can you ask for a 2nd opinion or look for private specialists in that type of cancer. 
    Is it worth seeing a nutritionist too who may be able to suggest some ways of putting weight on or suitable supplements? 
    Don’t loose hope! 

  • My dad was told his cancer was incurable and not treatable. He was too frail for chemo. The cancer was too far advanced. He didn’t like it but accepted it eventually. I think the best thing you can do is make sure he has the best palliative care he can get. And help him to accept the diagnosis and situation. This is so hard. But spend time with him more peacefully and lovingly. Rather than fighting the diagnosis, if you see what I mean. My heart goes out to you both.