Terminal lung cancer

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Good evening

this is my first post and the reality of it has hit me like a ton of bricks. My Dad was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer 9weeks ago. We are watching him decline everyday, we have not had any involvement from macmillan so far, my Dad is very much set in his ways and struggling to accept what is happening to him. Within the last few days he is sleeping more and says his body is exhausted, he has only said for the 1st time he’s in pain, When will we know if he needs to go to hospital/palliative care? I don’t want my Dad to suffer if he could be more comfortable in either of the above I’m just struggling to know what to do and would appreciate any advice.


  • I am in the same position. My dad has oesophageal cancer (incurable) with lung cancer metastasis (spread). He has a worsening cough and pains in his chest and in his back and for the first time has tonight taken morphine. Calpol has been helpful until today. The morphine was given to him by the palliative nurse, just in case, and now he needs it. Just keep asking the nurses and doctor how they can help your dad’s symptoms as they happen and for any other advice. It’s horrible to see someone go downhill like this. And frightening when, as a daughter, you realise you are going to have to help manage it at close quarters and that you will be on your own with it at times. I feel for you and totally understand. It’s a case of taking and making the best of one day at a time. I’m trying to smile for my dad, give him lots of hugs, and make things as normal and comfortable at home as possible. My mum struggles herself with mobility so looking after both really. Dad certainly doesn’t want to be anywhere other than home presently. I don’t know when the time will come when he needs more support than my sister and I can give him at home. But I hope we will just know and that the district and palliative nurses can help us. We are also fortunate here to have a 24/7 Your Lifeline number to call. Maybe you have something similar where you are? xxx