Finally reaching out for support

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I am new here, finally reached out to get some support or even peer to peer discussions. 

My mum had breast cancer about 15 years ago, she went into remission until about four/four and a half years ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast in her bones. It's all over her body. She had to get a leg operation to replace her knee and femur, this didn't take well and she was riddled with infection. As this happened in amongst covid she was delayed in getting it sorted and ended up living with a colostomy bag on her leg to get rid of this infection for over a year and a half, unable to put any weight on her leg. This was so hard listening to her in pain, cancer pain and infection pain. She finally had the operation redone this year, but unfortunately it didn't take and she has had to have a leg amputation. A huge thing to come to terms with, physically and mentally. She is currently in a physio rehab facility and she will be home soon as she's transferring really well. Mum recently had a blood test that she has before she has her annual scan and unfortunately it shows her ovarian cancer protein (some level they can detect in the test) - the number has tripled. Meaning there is something going on there, she won't know the full extent until after her scan. 

Unfortunately I am far away from where she lives and can't visit her that much, when she is home I will go and stay with her for a week. So that is incredibly hard that I can't just pop round for a cuppa, to help her out. I do all I can from here. 

It sounds silly but when I speak on the phone with her, you wouldn't really know that anything is wrong. She tries to make the best of the situation and always looks forward. Then something like this happens and it certainly kicks me back into reality. 


With this latest addition, I am starting to think what will be next and I'm finding it really hard. 

I have a partner who is there for me, but he has his own troubles with combat PTSD that I also have to be mindful of. 

There is no other family that my mum speaks to but she has some lovely friends. 

I know so many people are going through various extremely hard things. And my heart goes out to everyone as it does for my mum. 

  • My mum has it in her bones too. It's the primary source of pain and discomfort for her, and primary source of distress for me and my family as a result.

    We're trying our best, against something that doesn't rest, doesn't have a day off, won't stop and is just relentless at dishing out more and more problems, pain and suffering for us all.

    Thoughts are with you.