How can I stay strong for Mum

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi, im new here. I have joined because yesterday my mum just got the diagnosis of small cell lung cancer with brain mets, she’s 73, otherwise fit and well. It’s devastating news. They’re going to try to reduce the cancer with chemo then hopefully the brain mets with radio, but we’re not daft. We know it’s incurable. My kids are 8 and 12, they are so close to her (as am I). How do I even begin to tell them that their Grandma is soon going to be unwell and unable to do all the things that she does with them and for us. I’m distraught, she’s my best friend, I need to try to stay strong for her. Any advice on how to get through this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you x

  • Hi   and welcome to our community, though sorry to hear about your mum.

    We have a lot of information in Supporting a family member with cancer that might be helpful to you. For us it is my wife who has cancer and has been incurable from diagnosis but we managed to get the cancer stable - been living with cancer now for over six years.

    What really helped me was doing a living with less stress course. The mindfulness bit of trying to focus on the here and now rather than a future that I could not control was very helpful. Conscious breathing techniques help when life throws a new curveball but also just to generally relax. Transcendental meditation though did not really tick a box with me.

    We have a son who is 18 now but from much of his live his mum has been in and out of hospital. We have always been open with him and also his schools have been very supportive. Again there is a guide on here Talking to children and teenagers that might be helpful.

    Well done for posting here, you might also like to look in on Carers only forum  as there will be lots of people with similar issues there - staying strong is so easy to type.



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  • Thank you Steve, I really appreciate this. Hope you and your family are well. Sending love.
