Lovely morning chit-chat thread- March 2025

  • 104 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Morning all, Just setting up a new chat thread for March. If you want to catch up on February's chat you can click here but it will be closed. 

The chit chat thread is for:

"Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment."

  • Morning Ian, we've talked before, but it's good to hear from you again, it sounds good to me, I would say go for it, I don't bee keep myself, but have a couple of friends on the allotments who do and I've made them hives,"I was a carpenter," and it was a lovely little project, and I can imagine making your own traditional one would be very satisfying and enjoyable, we chat about everything on here, we try to keep it as much about day to day life as possible and welcoming, I'm also going to have a go at basket weaving, and who knows we may have hidden talents.


  • Good morning everyone,  welcome Ian.  I am definately not artistic and have zero patience with things arty.  My friend bought me a Wrendale paint by numbers of a rabbit for Christmas.  I have started this and found it relaxing.  It took me an hour to paint the ear and I had to use a magnifying glass as it is so detailed.  Will post a picture of finished art work Grin when done, which will probably be in a years time.

    Joy.  Have a great Sunday.

    Lee 2 x

  • Morning Ellie, here's a couple of things I've been making     not very manly I know, but 3 years on ADT HT, does that to you.

    Eddie xx 

  • Sorry Ellie, forgot the pottery things from yesterday 

  • Alright I hate clever people lol, I can just about see my lap top, keeps you busy and gives you some thing to focus on.

  • Morning Patrick, and thanks for the link, hopefully I'll get to see it later today, though my arty friends have done some weaving too, but any advice is always welcome.

    Eddie xx 

  •    Hi Ian! The community garden I'm involved with has bees thoughnim not involved with them other than to admire. They had a tough year going into winter and swarm so depleted they were moved into insulated hive. However they seem to have come through with lots of fondant as we've seen them venturing out on the warmer days. 

      you're so varied in your crafting! I only knit and crochet. Basket weaving does sound fun though.....

    Tis morning, I slept and am feeling brighter again. Time to get up and start the day before travelling back to Tiki. Thanks for being here all x

  • Morning Lee2,  that sounds fab, and I look forward to seeing it, I've just posted a few things I've done, all on 2 hour courses with Friends, maybe it will encourage others to have a go.

    Eddie xx 

  • Morning Lex,  knitting and crochet are beyond me, my crafting only started last year through my friends,though will try weaving, give Tiki a stroke for me, and we're all here for each other my friend, 

    Eddie xx 

  • Morning Lex,  hope you have a safe trip home today and back to your beloved Tiki.

    Lee 2 x