Lovely morning chit-chat thread- March 2025

  • 55 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Morning all, Just setting up a new chat thread for March. If you want to catch up on February's chat you can click here but it will be closed. 

The chit chat thread is for:

"Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment."

  • Morning everyone, not sure if anyone will read or be able to reply as the March thread is due anytime.

    Lovely sunny day AGAIN, which I hope you are all sharing, to anyone with medical matters my best wishes, I'm off to allotment to walk Poppy and chat with the guys, then lunch and pottery class with friends. Whatever your plans are, I wish you well.

    Eddie xx 

  • Thanks, soon be Christmas.

  • Morning to everyone, now March can you believe it.  It is lovely and sunny but very cold.  My husband and I are off to Bewdley a little town next to the river for a walk and then lunch.  Have a good day all.

    Lee 2 x

  • First day of Spring Ellie, feels nice today just need that cold wind to go away

    Eddie xx

  • Morning Ellie, perish the thought re Christmas, not that long since we finished the last Turkey and Jelly Sandwich Grinningand hoovered the last bit of glitter up. I had a lovely surprise yesterday when my oldest daughter came home for the weekend. We are going to meet Laura and her 3 boys and go out for lunch and dinner at Laura’s this evening. Shame my son and his family is away this weekend or I would have had the bonus of all my children and grandchildren together. 2 out of 3 isn’t bad. Gosh I sound like Meatloaf, wish I could sing like him. Love to sing along to music with great enthusiasm but very little talent. Just as well I live alone with just Lilly to suffer my singing. Hope everyone has a weekend they wish for

    love Angie and Lilly xxx

  • Morning, grey, dry and cloudy where I am but spring is definitely in the air with lots of pretty flowers popping up everywhere. Pottery sounds great Eddie. I have taken up basket weaving, takes my mind off things. What with BoxOfFrogs crocheting, we could set up a creative corner. Have a great day everyone.

    Patrick xx

  • Morning Lee 2, sounds lovely, I hope you both have a great time, and have booked a table.

    Eddie xx

  • Morning Patrick, arts and crafts are so helpful, my friends and I few different ones, but not basket weaving, in that in a group or self taught?, I  will suggest it to the girls today.

    Eddie xx

  • Morning my dear Friend, hope you are feeling much better and enjoy your lunch and craft session. How splendid that Sheila is back home tomorrow. You will be happy to have her back. Doesn’t seem that long since she went away. Give a hug to Mandy and have a great weekend 

    love Angie and Lilly xx