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Lovely morning chit-chat thread - February 2025

  • 312 replies
  • 54 subscribers

We've officially entered February, new thread as kindly requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Thanks Syed appreciated.

  • Well Drs  can be wrong.

    My grandson and his partner, wanted to start a family.

    Had loads of tests, she had  low fertility, he  had millions of fish swimming about, though none of them had heads or tails, half a dozen did, where told would be a miracle if you could ever have a baby.

    Well a 10pm phone call last night, confirmed miracles can and do happen.

     A baby on the way 3 month scan was done yesterday.

    So doctors do get it wrong at times.

  • GP get thins wrong tell me about it, failure by a GP is why i'm incurable.

    Hi Moi we are both getting on with life as best as we can, Oncology app on Monday, Tuesday AM app for legs, Tuesday PM diabetic review. will post the results when I know what they are.

  • Hi Ellie so pleased for your son and his wife, and you granny again yippee. They often get it wrong. A girl I worked with and husband had fatality  treatment , nothing happened. They split up in the end and years later they both had babies with different partners,  things happen if there ment too. Congratulations to you granny. Clap XX


  • Hi good luck with all your appointments next week Ulls. It never stops.  XX


  • Good afternoon Ellie and Congratulations to the parents to be. You must be so delighted by the great news that you are going to be a Granny  again. Wishing you all a peaceful evening and night 

    love Angie and Lilly xx

  • Thanks was dumb founder, already a grannie, now i will be a great grannie, i did be a grannie when i ws very young lol

  • Fab news my friend, please give my best wishes to your grandson, and partner, and what a beautiful thing for all the family, something so wonderful to look forward too, I'm so happy for you Ellie, some well deserved good news.

    love Eddie xx 

  • Hi Moi, after Mandys treatment for breast cancer 13 years ago, she was told her chances of having children were practically zero, they also said, she was incurable 2 1/2 years later Mandy has 2 beautiful boys and is told there is NED.

    love Eddie xx 

  • Hi Ulls, medical incompetence is no stranger to me either my friend, but we have to make the most of what time we have, my thoughts and prayers for you this coming week Ulls, best wishes to you both.

    Eddie xx