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Lovely morning chit-chat thread December 2024

  • 323 replies
  • 51 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Pals where a it and miss as such.

    I spent all day yesterday trying to get threw ,and never evert got in a  in queue.

    I tried  this morning dead on 9am,  got threw to a lady, told her what has been going on, she said some one had tried phoning, well no one has, going to e mail department to send me an appointment, we can live  with hope.

    I went for my Brain MRI this morning, first one after op. in depth discussion of having metal in the body, well mine  is titanium, combatable with all scanners, even ones at airports, done now. 

    So  for me shopping tomorrow.

    Waiting for CT scan date have Oncology  start of January, never stops, know wonder we get worn out. A  day out I suppose lol.

    Hope you have had a pleasant day.

  • Hi Ellie, sorry for the slow response from PALS, fingers crossed Emailing gets you answers.

    Good to hear the guys at the MRI scanning department did your scan, now you've had your first scan since surgery, hopefully any future scans should be straight forward, was the usual form used, or a different one because of the titanium?, will have everything crossed for good results my friend.

    Enjoy your shopping tomorrow,  but wrap up well as its forecast wet and windy, though maybe different in sunny Essex.

    At least you have Christmas and new year off Ellie, I have appointments up to the 23rd and start again on the 2nd Jan, and maybe more from my oncology meeting on Tuesday, good luck with yours, and hopefully your CT scan won't be long, I agree Ellie, you have to make something of appointments, otherwise they would be depressing.

    It's been a nice day today, my auntie and her partner are coming down for 3 weeks and a friend treated me to a few hours at the local Spa, a nice surprise, my favourite, I'm not keen on the other type LOL.

    Not eaten since breakfast, but feel like something now, what are you up to this evening Ellie.

    Eddie xx


  • Good evening Stella and everyone who is about. My cycle is a 4 weekly one. Getting 2 injections and my chemo tablets which are to be taken for 3 weeks. On Tuesdays on week 4 I get my bloods done and if the levels are ok get the next set of injections and tablets on Friday at the hospital. If bloods are low have to get bloods done the following Tuesday again. CT scan every 3 months. 
    Finally finished my Christmas Tree. The whole thing was like a Benny Hill Show on Steroids. First the base of my tree was broken (no idea how that came about). It was an old but much loved tree. So new tree had to be purchased. B&Q had a sale on so my pal decided it would be a good idea to o have a look. Thankfully I didn’t have to drive. They had a nice 6foot one I liked and the sales assista got one and brought it to the car while I paid. Got the tree out and put together when we realised he had got a 7 foot one instead. How wrong can you be if you think there won’t be much difference. After a lot of furniture shifting ended up having to take the table out of the living room to make space for the bigger version. Needless to mention that the tree topper I got didn’t fit because of the height of the tree. It would've been easier to return it I suppose, but I like the new tree. Thankfully Laura came over to put the lights on as I could not reach up. The tree is not huge but my living room is not very big. Got it all sorted at the end after a few choice words here and there. Hope all your trees went up with no problems at all JoyJoy 

    love Alana and Lilly xxx

  • Wow Angie, I do admire your determination, and I'm sure it looks amazing and your more than happy with it, but  you  did  make thi gs hard for yourself, but a big well done from me,

    my tree is up, sort of, it's all put together "artificial", and in place, I have a few baubles to go on it, but will wait for a couple of weeks so I can collect my order of gingerbread decorations and get the grandkids to help decorate the tree, but no lights for me Angie, not a fan.

    love Eddie xx 

  • Good morning 

    Angie you have done well with the Christmas Tree drama. 7 feet tree sounds lovely. 3 weeks on one week off sounds hard work but what choice do we have. 

    Eddie sorry to hear Sheila has bad SAD. But glad she can stay with her sister In Australia. Lots of sunshine and warmth must be good for everyone. Really hope you could join her in the new year. It must be such a wonderful surprise to have spa treatments arranged by friends. What did you have done? 

    I found the cancer treatment is quite time consuming with bloods, review, chemotherapy delivery, and today I have to go in for disconnect. Still try to make the best of it if I can.

    Very windy here, take care everyone 

    Stella x

  • Hi Stella, and good morning to you, and thank you, as much as I miss Sheila, she's in the best place, l have been trying to get to Australia since I retired 5 years ago, but  with no luck, but maybe this time.

    Stella, I love Spa's and being pampered, I've been having massages for 30 years and it's what my family and friends get me for Christmas and birthdays, this one was my 1st Christmas present this year, I always have a full body massage but has to be light and reflexology.

    Well once you've been to the hospital today, you have some time to yourself, to do some living, you must have some plans, what are you hoping to do Stella,

    we're in the eye of the storm, so to speak so calm but gray here.

    Appointments can be a pain at times, especially delays or late running ones, we just mustn't let them define us, have a lovely day whatever you do.

    Eddie xx 

  • Eddie you are so right about not letting treatment define me.

    I am/ was a dentist before this happened. Now I am no longer able to work and now a patient rather than a clinician. I find the sudden loss of identity and focus very difficult. I have made more efforts with my friends and parents. I also tried to talk to my elderly neighbours more. I like connecting with peope so really struggling with sitting at home all day. 
    I do like flowers and gardens but the winter is not helping there. I have however subscribed to a flower delivery service so at least there is always fresh flowers in the house. 
    I love travelling and longing to see some hills. So I hope I could get away for a few days in January. 
    What did you do prior to retirement? Do you miss work at all? 

  • Hi Stella, I can imagine how difficult it must have been for you, such a huge change in your circumstances could not have been easy, though I would think the realities of said change are still being digested, I really hate cancer, but it does focus the mind as to what's important, to cherish the things that matter to you, and to make the most of your time, connecting with family and friends,"and neighbours", is so important, all their little faults that may have annoyed you, you now realise are unimportant.

    I'm with you Stella, I'm not good at doing nothing and love gardening,"my allotment", anyway, have you thought about a polytunnel for growing flowers, I could grow almost all year round with mine.

    I love travelling as well,  and I'm sure you'll get away in the new year, to those hills you'd love to visit, I'm off to Scotland next week to see my auntie, her house is overlooked by Ben Nevis, that would be something to look forward to, a lovely train journey too.

    I've had 2 jobs, I thought I wanted to be a teacher, I was studying English history at Durham University, when a friend asked me to be his partner in his carpentry business, making/installing conservatories, staircases in summer and making furniture in the winter, this lasted 23 years, I had to stop to care for my mum, who had terminal cancer, as I got no help, only a couple of leaflets, whilst caring, I decided I wanted to help others who found themselves in the same situation as me.

    Back to University in Sheffield to become a nurse, I was able to work part-time while studying, as a healthcare worker, which I loved, and as it became obvious that when I became a nurse I would spend half my time doing paperwork, I dropped out of University again, a decision I've never regretted, I did 15 years, ending up in palliative/cancer care before retirement, aged 55 just over 4 years ago, my last 2 years were part time 28 hours a week so plenty of time to enjoy life, so retirement gave me all day every day to do what we liked, bugger getting cancer 15 months later.

    Eddie xx

  •  Good evening Stella, I just saw your post and Eddie’s reply and could not help shedding a tear. It is so difficult to be all of a sudden just a shadow of your former self. I used to be a Practice nager, but changed to bi-lingual tour guide due to the break up of my marriage. The hours were perfect to be home for my 3 children coming home from School. My children have always come first and aays will.  I am a granny 5 times over now and reached my retirement age in the summer. Plans had to change due to my cancer but I am determined it will not beat me yet. What I miss most is my equestrian activities. I have been amongst horses since I was 3 years old and started riding on my Pony. One of these days I will have another wonderful time on the trail. Fortunately I always loved to read, so my books give me many a happy hour. Not to mention my lovely ( but totally) spoiled furry companion Lilly. We have been living in happy cohabitation for the last 8 years and long may it go on.If you like Hills do come to Scotland. The scenery is magnificent from the Sea to the Mountains, Lochs, Beaches and wide open Ranges for Cattle and Sheep. The weather might not always be what you exct but thst is just one little set back. After all even the so called Heaven  only serves Mana and not Champagne and that is a far bigger let down in my opinion Grinning.

    The one wish I would love to come true for you all is improving or stable health. That is the best wish you can send a personal friend or virtual friends like us.

    All my love to you all Alana and Lilly xx

  • Good day Eddie

    Train journey to Ben Navis sounds beautiful. Your auntie and partner must be  looking forward to spend Christmas with you. How is their health? 

    I studied at University of Glasgow for 5 years. The scenery is amazing in Scotland. I don’t mind the cold weather but when is horizontal rain and no visibility. It does get me down. I always thought when I retire, I can just go up to Scotland when the weather forecast is good. However, I think I will just go when I can despite the weather. 
    Do you still make furniture etc for yourself? Your patients must be very lucky to have you to care for them. 

    Today is post chemotherapy crash day. So just try to rest and cooking some lunch. My friend have gifted me Lego Christmas decorations. I will try to make them up before Winton makes away with the pierces. 

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