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Lovely morning chit-chat thread December 2024

  • 323 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • My mum had both of her eyes done and she is really happy with them. I hope they can get them sorted for you soon. The brain operation effects- would it improve over time? 

    You are right . I am in control and there is more to life than B**** cancer. I think once I have the chemotherapy started and settled into a pattern. I would be a bit better. 

  • Wish you all the best for Thursday Lee. I have just started chatting to everyone recently but have been lurking for a while. Always admired your spirit.

    Stella x

  • Hope you will regain strength soon, but take it easy and have a nice cosy weekend too. Xx

  • I am trying to compartmentalise the disease and what future may hold for me. I think the trouble is the internet and one can look at facebook cancer group etc for hours about the disease. I am going to be good and really stop myself getting sucked in.

    I have an artificial tree. It has build in lights and just feels much cosier with them on all the time. I sometimes remove all the bubbles and decorations early on but leave the tree standing until the end of January just to cheer me up.

    I have got friends come over for lunch today. We are making pork roast yum.

    Hope you are having a lovely Sunday too.


  • Good morning Stella, please don't use Dr Google or similar, if you need information ask your team, or use respected sites, Macmillan, Cancer Research UK, or the NHS websites and of course the guys on here, though it's good to hear your going to reduce the time you browse, it really doesn't help with getting on with living.

    Your tree sounds lovely, especially the built in lights, are you able to change the way they twinkle or the colour, and I agree they do make the room cosier and good to hear they have a positive effect on you, 

    Have a wonderful day, roast pork is fab, and sharing with friends makes it so much better.

    We, Poppy and I, are going to youngest daughter's for dinner, on her farm, always a good time having family together.

    Eddie xx 

  • Good afternoon Stella, I have an artificial tree too. Shall see how my energy level is a bit later and might try and get it sorted. This is the first year that my tree is not up and running on the 1 st December. Thankfully Lilly has outgrown climbing up the tree Evergreen tree. We have had a few little faux pas in the past. Have a nice time with your friends 

    love Alana and Lilly xxx

  • Hi Alana, You could always buy Lily a small tree of her own! Minus the decs obviously!

    Eddie, Hope you had a lovely meal either way your family yesterday! 

    Stella, Eddie is right, Google and the likes are not a good idea. They are quite out of touch with what is happening now and a lot of their news is old, so why waste precious time reading it!

    Stella, that is good your mums eyes are good now. I think loosing your sight or hearing are very debilitating!!

    Ellie How are your eyes? Any improvement?

    Lee, Good luck for Thursday!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morning everyone, I hope your all rested and ready for the day ahead, best wishes to anyone with appointments, or chasing up appointments, good luck Ellie, just bloods and urology for me, then the day's my own, no plans yet.

    love Eddie xx 

  • Morning

    I am just up, not even had a cuppa yet.

    Could have stayed there all day lol, perhaps I should have done.

    Yes few phone calls today. then not sure what I may do. got some windows to clean, or write some Christmas cards, and that is so hard, have done a couple took me ages.

    Enjoy your day.,

  • Good morning everyone 

    I had a really great time having lunch with friends yesterday. But a little bit sad as feeling of being left behind. My friends are all working full time, travelling broadly, and full of hope for the future. 

    I am still grateful with what I have a lovely home, loving husband and parents. maybe just a bit of envy…

    Going to physio in the morning and try to get some strength/ strengthening exercise to do daily. Then lunch with another lot of friends.

    How was your dinner last night Eddie? Do you live near your daughter?

    Alana, hope you are feeling better today. Luckily Winston is not interested in the tree or baubles!

    Annette Hope you are doing well. 

    It is sunny with blue sky today. Hope it is good weather where you all are friends xx