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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Morning Tricia   Was hot here yesterday, well for me, any way.

    No heavy chores, done them start of week.

    Hope your ok, been quiet for  little while.

    I hare food shopping, though i like to eat. xxx

  • Morning yes nice here as well.

    Enjoy your shopping, if you can, i always, get uptight with people, some are so rude, cannot handle that.

    Enjoy your day, 

  • Hi everyone I don't mind shopping if it's of a list and we go in get what's wanted and leave but I hate shopping when it's browsing takes forever and doesn't achieve anything.

  • Hi Ulls

    I totally agree with you, about the shopping but it's also about others being inconsiderate and rude, they stand in the middle of the isle chatting away like they have all day and when you have the audacity to ask them to move so you can get to the shelf to get goods they kick off I've had comments such as "some people can't wait a minute" levied at me. So my response to them has been don't you think it's inappropriate to have a chit chat in the middle of the isle after all this is a shop and I expect to do just that "shop" if I want to have a chat I arrange to meet later and chat over a drink. What I don't do is inconvenience others. Now that really is my moan over.

    I'm not really one for moaning, I'm a happy chappie in the main it's just the odd thing that gets to me and rudeness and inconsideration are top of my hit list. I really am one of those people that if I can't say anything nice I don't say anything at all. I find it much easier to be helpful and pleasant to others and I don't want to upset anyone even when they aren't nice, because you never no how bad their day has been and I would want to add to a bad day. 

    Rant over honest

    Have a great afternoon everyone, 


  • Hi Donna I agree with everything you just posted, there's no need for people to be rude arrogant and selfish.  ThumbsupThumbsupThumbsupThumbsupThumbsup

  • Remind me not to upset you Wombat, you have frightened the life out of me!

    Ulles agreed because you have frightened him too!

  • Now now BP you should know by now I'm not scared of anyone?

  • Good Morning To  You All

    Its Friday, and i am going Shopping.

    I hope today, is a stress free one, regarding that.

    Ulls i am going to hire you, if you are not  scared of anyone, you are useful.

    Another weekend,, soon  be Christmas, not sure where the time is going to, one day leads to another and so on.

     Yesterday  for me, was a phone call day,, had to make a few regarding hospital appointment,, why cannot the admin staff do their job right.

    four personnel phone calls, that do take a while, a lot to say.

    Have good  Day Everyone. xxx

  • Good morning everyone

    Well it's dull and overcast here today gone is the lovely sunshine today, hoping it might pop it's head out later on. Just back from food shopping, I went very early the store was very quiet and I got to pick from all the fresh stuff that's just come in. On way home  l called at the local farm shop it's lovely produce and I sat outside and had a coffee watching all the animals, they have a little zoo of farm animals pigs, goats lovely birds etc, it was great to sit for a short while and listen to the world and I petted the little goat. What a lovely start to my day.

    I hope everyone has a great day


  • Morning Ellie well you certainly didnt get a lay in today. lol. I  am taking a leaf out of your book and going to do the shopping today, although not sure that it will be a good idea. It is really dark and grey today so i think we are in for heavy rain today. Your right christmas is coming the shops are full of chrismas stuff already. I knowna couple of rotwilers i can send down to go to the shops with you bet nobody will get in your way lol. Have a good day hope it stays dry for you. xxxx