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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Hi

    Grey here as well, though humid.

    No lay in up 6.3o lol. just waiting on text from sister.

    Rottweilers lol, i think, a lot of people, would say i am like that when pushed to far, though can be meek and mild as well, like butter would not melt in my mouth, lol

    I will not let anyone  take the mick out of me, used to, but not anymore hey ho can Teach an old dog new tricks, lol lol...

    You have a good day, , i think Christmas should be cancelled, need a vote on it.  The real meaning had gone, just a money making racket that's my thoughts, others may differ.

    I out now, later xxx

  • Morning Donna you put me to shame im not dressed yet and you have done so much already. Where you live sounds idyllic cant think of a better way to start your day. Have a good day sounds like a good place to sit and watch the world go by. xxx

  • You are my kind of girl Ellie lol. I would agree with everything you say about christmas its not the same as before, but couldnt cancell it as i have a 7 year old grandaughter and its fab to see the look on her face the apple of my eye . Grannys girl lol. xxx

  • LOL This nan has five granddaughter's, though all grown up, horray  13 to 27   horray  xxx

  • Your a lucky lady i have only the one. I will bet your the best nan ever to those girls. Off to the supermarket have a great day. Will see you later. xxxx

  • Morning everyone. What a lovely start to your day Donna seeing all the animals. We took our 2 year old granddaughter to a farm on Wednesday. The weather was glorious. 

    I'm afraid it's back to rain Cloud rain️ today! Glamorous task of cleaning the bathroom on my list to do! Think I'll be staying inside and carrying on knitting my chicken I started yesterday.

    Going to visit our son in Nottingham tomorrow so looking forward to that. Hope his house isn't too messy!


  • Morning Sue cleaning the bathroom is not my favourite job but it has to be done. Have fun with the chicken lol. Have a really great time visiting your son. xxx

  • You are all off shopping, I am off pubbing.

    got to make the most of a short life expectancy.

    supposing I die and have money left.

    oh, I forgot, that’s Mango Chutneys plan!


  • Morning everyone,

    Weather started off ok but is now grey and drizzly. Husband has been out for a bit shopping, 3 bags of compost and collecting prescriptions. I got a bit of gardening done yesterday, clearing for autumn already and it's only August. Ordered some bubble wrap to insulate my greenhouse for winter.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Xx

  • Shopping done,make the most of yours,grow up to quick, two grandsons,lol 18,and well 38, story for another time may be,keep me poor lol but keep me going. Xxx