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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Always one to go back when one crossed of, cannot wait, to see want exciting challenge is next, life is so exciting, 

  • Whoo hoo, good for you Ellie, so glad you got your bins sorted.  Well done to you.  Thanks for the good wishes re the RT planning,  It went well and I have 3 wee Indian ink tattoos on my pelvis now to guide Thursdays treatment blast.  I am not sure about you all but I am knackered tonight so I think I will sleep.  Hope you all do too. 

    Best wishes 

    M x x x x

  • Hi glad it is done with, see you did get tattoo's knew you would, i have 7, nothing lie i was expecting , So snap.

    Hope you sleep well it  does take it out of you keep going out, need a holiday i reckon, 

    You have a good night and tomorrow we go forward a bit more, xxx

  • Hi M, Good luck on Thursday with RT. It's good they are not hanging about. The sooner the better.

    I've got Liver Clinic this morning. Having a scan and more bloods done.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • To reply to Morton 5 hours ago you must have been up in the middle of the night again, I got up at six finished a jigsaw, I I'll give it back today.

  • Hi everyone how's it Maggie yesterday for a prostate meeting when I got a little bit early there's a lady sitting by yourself looking very sad so I started chatting to her she told me she was in remission from her cancer but we're still having metal problems so we chatted for about 20 minutes before the rest of everybody turned up and I then passed her over to my friends wife who comes with him mystically by French wife totally with my wife I said well if he was he was the quickest ever engagement marriage and exhaust consider animator 20 minutes ago he was made a good life and they went off this outside have a couple coffee while me and the husband went into the meeting during her father was here again but good talking point. Now I hope you all enjoy your day whatever it is you're doing personally got nothing lined up so it's a totally free day for my wife at night speak later

  • There are spelling mistakes in the above post as i dictated it via Google assistant opppps

  • Good Morning Ulls.

    Nothing lined up for me as such, ten mins down road, covid jab, that's it, so easy day.

    Bone tablet so now my cups of tea, to get me going, four, then iam good.

    Looks lovely out,so enjoy your day and do what you want, like those days, xxx

  • Gremlins are about repeat   pepeat repeat 

  • Good morning to everyone. I hope you have all had a good nights rest. It is a beautiful sunny day here so i will need to find something to make the most of it. Good luck with your covid jag Ellie. I have had to take a leaf from your book and put on my big girl pants and it seems to be helping so thanks for that. I think tea and a whole victoria sponge should do the trick lol. Have a great day everyone what ever you are doing. M i hope you are feeling a bit better today. Take care Love Tricia. xxx