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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 12

  • 868 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Morning Tricia

    Sale of big girl pants have gone up, my shares are doing ell.

    Tricia you can always rant here, is it regarding, our common, situation or something different.

    Ups and downs, come and go, though we do not always think they will.

    Lovely here as well, so not sure what to do when i get back, nothing could be on the cards, xxxk

  • Lol i noticed as i was charged vat on top lol. Thanks for your kind and uplifting words they have really helped. I dont know if you will be able to sit and do nothing lol but its certainly worth a try. Have a great day. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Now that was good,  Vat lol.

    LOL Your right sit still,  is not a easy thing to do for me, xx

  • Good morning everyone 

    Its lovely to be back here! Just spent the last hour looking back at the thread to see what you’re all up to. Bins, knickers, RT chemo and clubbing it seems! Wow you lot are crazy. I got back from Ireland late on Sunday and have been busy washing and sorting with breaks for lung drain, CT scan, husbands failed endoscopy (no one told him he shouldn’t eat 6 hours beforehand) and a blood test. It’s all go! 
    Ireland was wonderful and we had pretty decent weather surprisingly. Got back to England to sit for 4 hours in traffic jams. Oh joy! 
    Today have bone injection, whoopee. 
    I see we have a new friend, itisme, welcome and so sorry you are here but this is such a lovely group and will help you no end.

    Good luck to all those having appointments and treatments today. 
    Love Jac x

  • Thank you Shaddow lady. Itisme.

  • Good morning Ellie  and Tricia, it's bright and breeze here. Ellie hope uour jab goes OK, but your tuff so it will be OK.

    Tricia your right Ellie only stops to eat and drink, unless she's finished  her list by 2pm. Vat on big girl pants !! disgusting, good job I bought loads in the sale.

    I've done my chores for the day, so I'm having a coffee and a few chapter oc my latest book. Have a good day all xx


  • Welcome back Jac  Glad you had a great trip to Ireland, lots of beautiful scenery to enjoy. Well i have to ask the question - How many guiness did you consume and how many whiskys.? were there hangovers to be suffered lol.  Hope the lung drain and ct scan went well. Sorry your husband couldnt have his endoscopy, hopefully it has been rebooked and a bone injection today it really has been all go for you Lots of cake and rest should be the order of the day. Take care. love tricia. xxx

  • Good morning Itisme. Welcome to the group lots of lovely people in this group i was so glad i found it. Hope you are well and have a great day. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Good morning Moi hope you are having a good day so far .Well done on completing your chores . Enjoy your coffee you have earned it. Whats the name of the book youre reading is it good. Do you read actual books or do you have one of those kindle things. My son bought me one but once i put it down i could never find my way back to the words lol. Have a great day. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Good morning to you all.  Special welcome back to Jac from her trip. Hope bone injection goes well.  Personally I am having a quiet day today.  At the regional cancer centre 3 times his week so a day doing not very much has been in good order so far. 

    I hope all you good and lovely folks have nice days and successful appointments if you have any on. 

    Watching the very powerful documentary on the troubles in Ireland. Some awful things but some amazing human spirit shown.  In terms of the human spirit it’s a  a bit like these wee groups here.  We all go through so much but show good concern and support to each other.  

    So thank you to you for that, keeps me going.  

    Cheers all 

    M x x x x