Checked In Again!

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  • 46 subscribers

So I think I'm going 4 a record with consecutive month hospital admissions! Aug, Sept & now Oct. Anyone want 2 run a book 4 Nov & Dec?

The horrible alien boob is the guilty culprit again - probs didnt help with the fall last Fri when I tripped over the table leg & managed 2 bash everything on the right hand side of my body. Most bits of me r on the mend but the wrist is still in a splint.

Blasting me with antibiotics again & gonna add a bag or two of red as bloods r a bit low (again!) . Saves being admitted twice & I'm not going anywhere...

Hope everyone is cosy in their own beds or holiday locations this weekend. 

B safe guys & girls

WB xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi WB

    And you so nearly made it through October without an admission! Do you have your own bed at the hospital yet? Sorry you find yourself in hospital again and I really hope the antibiotics and blood help you feel better. 

    Lots of love 


  • Oh WB, sorry to hear you are in again. You only want to run a book because you know you would win!!!!!!! Lol!

    Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Daloni. I'm beginning 2 think I could b a mystery reviewer 4 hospital wards as yet again I'm on a different one. This one has lovely staff & can't seem 2 do enough 2 make sure I'm comfortable. Although perhaps if they could speak a bit quieter at night I might have got some more sleep rather than listen 2 their private lives.

    Husband' is in the midst of wallpapering sk hopefully that will all b finished by the time I get home - depends how fast I get on with my escape tunnel.

    Have a lovely time at the wedding, a positive experience after the c*** time u've had recently.

    WB xx

  • Hi WB, I can't sleep either! I was just wondering which hospital you were "reviewing" this time round! If you WERE a mystery shopper, at least you would be getting paid while your in there! Lol! Hope your husband is working hard to get the decorating done before you get home. Have they said how long you will be in for? Hope you get some sleep before you get wakened shortly for breakfast!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Morning Annette, the joys of hspital - woken up at 6am 4 1st lot of IV drugs & obs. No wonder we feel so tired in hospital!!

    My only failure 4 this review would b the room was freezing - it is v cold outside (north of Scotland) & this room 4 some reason has no curtains! 3 windows but nothing 2 keep out the draft. And did i bring a dressing gown? No, cos 99% of the time its boiling in hospital. But nevermind, lovely staff have piled with extra static NHS blankets Wink

    Definitely in 4 the weekend by the sounds of it  so ample opportunity 4 Mr DIY (aka hubbie) 2 crack on with the decorating. More time 4 me 2 crack on with the latest David Baldacci novel.

    Have a good day

    WB xx

  • Hi WB,

    I hope that you are soon home again but not early enough that your husband hasn't had time to get the decorating done.  I think hospital was the first place I managed to sleep during the day as your sleep is always getting disturbed, if not by the staff giving mads or taking blood pressure, then just by how busy they are during the night.

    Enjoy your book,

    love and hugs, 

    Gragon xx

  • Morning WB, hope you enjoyed your breakfast, maybe porridge to heat you up. Hospitals are either one extreme or the other, too hot or freezing!  Oh I like David Baldacci too, which one are you reading? They are great, enjoy!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette, 

    I'd come prepared with my shorts cos its usually so warm but put back on the jeans. "One Good Deed" is the DB title. Nearly finished it so added an extra book 2 my list of stuff 4 hubbie 2 bring up later.

    Its really sunny up north but its deceptive cos all my buddies r telling me its flippin freezing. At least I dont have 2 defrost the car or walk the dogs 2day Grin


    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So I'm still in jail!! Bn moved 2 the stroke ward (yeah!!!) cos it had a bed 4 me (but so did the room I was in...)

    So I have companions: 1 x snorer, 1 with a very squeaky bed & 1 other slightly demented woman who was up so many times 4 the loo - this wee blonde had a v disturbed night's sleep. But I'm not going anywhere else 2day so I can catch up on my sleep.

    Not sure when I'm getting released (i have bn on my best behaviour!!)  but it might b another night courtesy of the NHS Sob

    Well some of us will do anything 2 get out of housework & cooking the sunday dinner...

    Ciao ciao

    WB xx

  • Hi WB

    You're certainly getting your money's worth in Hotel NHS, but I'm sure you'd rather be cooking Sunday dinner. Yes you would!

    I really feel for you, it must be a real pain, having to go in time after time although you are kinda guilty for this one after trying to move a table at work then you go and fall on your alien boob side!

    Do you have access to free telly or is it book after book? I know you're an avid reader, I'm not, I last read the whole of Enid Blyton's Famous Five books one summer about 50 years ago. Nowadays if I try to read, I fall asleep so quickly, I just doze so quickly because of my meds. Whilst writing this shortish post, the number of times I have dozed off is in double figures! Honestly!

    Right, WB, we need a real assertive effort to get you sleeping in your own bed tonight. You can do it Thumbsup

    Keep fighting,

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.